Depression People that have depression have low moods and lack motivation Biological: Genetic make up Cognitive: Low thoughts Social: Feeling lonely
Depression Symptoms include: Insomnia Appetite disturbances Loss of energy Feelings of Worthlesness Depression is common, as it affects 15% percent of people
Depression Depression can be caused by : Genetic vulnerabitlity Neurotransmitting Malfunctioning Particular life events Life style
PTSD Is the “after effect” of an event or memory Can result in insomnia,hypervigilance, or loss of control over anger Prevelance rate of 1-3 percent
PTSD Research began after the Vietnam war Many veterans had psychological problems PTSD forms after events, hence the war 30% of veterans had experienced this disorder
PTSD Behavioral:Passivity, Nightmares, Flashbacks Cognitive: Inability to concentrate Somatic: Lower back pain, headaches