Tapping into Potential: Developing a Culture That Supports a Growth Mindset and Fosters Perseverence in Mathematics Beth Schefelker, Milwaukee Public Schools,


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Presentation transcript:

Tapping into Potential: Developing a Culture That Supports a Growth Mindset and Fosters Perseverence in Mathematics Beth Schefelker, Milwaukee Public Schools, WI Connie Laughlin, UW-Milwaukee, Milwaukee WI Melissa Hedges, Mequon-Thiensville School District, Mequon WI National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Meeting Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Path that led us here… Current brain research (Sousa) Learning Intention and Success Criteria (Clarke) Formative assessment principles (Wiggins) Cognitive demand (Smith, et al) CCSSM – focus and coherence

Learning Intentions & Success Criteria We are learning to… Understand the characteristics of fixed and growth mindsets. Connect growth mindsets to the Standards for Mathematics Practice We will know we are successful when we can… Identify how rich mathematical tasks support and promote a culture for growth mindset and an implementation of the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

Agenda What are Mindsets? Why foster a Growth Mindset? Creating a Culture of Risk Taking Building a Growth Mindset Linking Mindsets to CCSSM Standards for Mathematical Practice Examining a Mathematical Task and Student Work

What are Mindsets? Mindsets are the assumptions, expectations and beliefs that guide our behavior and our interactions with others. Individuals with a fixed mindset believe that their intelligence is simply an inborn trait—they have a certain amount, and that's that. Individuals with a growth mindset believe that they can develop their intelligence over time. Blackwell, Trzesniewski, & Dweck, 2007; Dweck, 1999, 2007

Why Foster a Growth Mindset? Dweck, C. 2010

Creating a Culture of Risk Taking Provide the right kinds of praise and encouragement. Praise students for the process they have engaged in The effort they applied The strategies they used The choices they made The persistence they displayed Emphasize that fast learning is not always the deepest and best learning. Teach students to recognize the different mindsets. Dweck, C. 2010

Building a Growth Mindset Emphasize Challenge, Not "Success" Give a Sense of Progress Meaningful learning tasks give students a clear sense of progress leading to mastery. Use formative assessment strategies Use Pre/post tests Provide descriptive feedback Grade for Growth Dweck, C. 2010

In summary… Fixed Mindsets Intelligence is static Growth Mindsets Intelligence can be developed Avoid challengesEmbrace challenges When faced with obstacles, get defensive or give up easily When faced with obstacles, persist in the face of the obstacles. See effort as fruitless or worseSee effort as the path to mastery Ignore useful descriptive feedbackLearn from descriptive feedback Feel threatened by the success of others Find lessons and inspiration in the success of others

Growth mindsets lead to the love of challenge, belief in effort, resilience in the face of setbacks, and greater (more creative) success. --Dweck, C. (2008) Does this sound familiar?

Standards for Mathematical Practice 1 and 2 SMP 1 - Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. SM2 – Reason abstractly and quantitatively. What are the links between SMP1, SMP2 and Growth Mindsets?

Let’s do some math Grace Ben and Maya were the top three winners in a math contest. They shared a cash prize in the ratio of 1:4:5. Maya received $40. How much more money did Ben receive than Grace? Share your thinking with a neighbor.

Listening to Students 8 th Grade Pre-Algebra Insert Jing Refer to your notes on SMP1 & 2 and Growth Mindsets. How were these evidenced in the student thinking?

The Language of Growth Mindsets ‘ Well done. You are learning to…..’ ‘I can’ statements become ‘I am learning to….’ ‘I’m really pleased you tried at that.’ ‘That’s fantastic. I liked the way you…..’ ‘That’s skilful.’ ‘What are you most proud of?’ ‘What is a good learner?’ ‘How are you more successful with this skill than before?’ ‘This is what we did before. What more can you do now?’ Dweck, C. 2010

Mindset Change Mindset change is not about picking up a few pointers here and there. It is about seeing things in a new way…it takes a commitment to growth and growth takes plenty of time, effort, and mutual support. --Dweck, C. (2008)

Mindsets change… What people strive for and what they see as success. The definition, significance, and the impact of failure. They change the deepest meaning of effort. Dweck, C. 2010

Turn and Talk What ideas from today’s session are important to you? What are your next steps as you think about developing growth mindsets?

Thank You! Beth Schefelker, Mathematics Specialist, Milwaukee Public Schools Connie Laughlin, Mathematics Consultant, UW-Milwaukee Melissa Hedges, K-8 Mathematics Specialist Mequon-Thiensville School District