We can all relate somehow… 2
“If you can’t do this, you are a failure” The boss implied that anyone could do this job (this was Ethel’s 4 th position) She instilled a fear of failure (they would be fired if they were not successful) What did she do to help them succeed BEFORE they failed? Nothing. She assumed that the girl’s had the skills to complete the task. Her instructions seemed quite simple, but after viewing the process, isn’t there more to just wrapping chocolates and putting them back on the conveyor belt? (Notice Lucy twisted the paper and Ethel just folded it down. Which was correct? How would they know?) Do Lucy and Ethel have any responsibility in this? Lucy and Ethel had failed multiple times before in this factory. Why? Lack of skills? Lack of motivation? What did they do differently to try and succeed this time? Nothing. Instead of asking for advice, a demonstration, or maybe even time to practice the skill, they began the task because they believed it was “easy” (they thought they didn’t have to exert much effort to succeed). 3
4 Two Beliefs about Intelligence Incremental Theory Intelligence is malleable; it can be developed incrementally through learning. Research has shown that these mindsets have powerful implications for the goals people hold, the amount of effort they choose to spend, the way they respond to challenges and obstacles, and for their ultimate success. Entity Theory Intelligence is a fixed trait; you have a certain amount, and your performance measures how much of it you have.
6 Fixed vs. Growth Mindset PEOPLE WHO HOLD THE GROWTH MINDSET BELIEVE: Intelligence can be developed, the brain is like a muscle that can be developed and trained. Success and therefore a positive self image comes from a desire to learn and grow through effort PEOPLE WHO HOLD THE FIXED MINDSET BELIEVE: People “are the way they are” and that doesn’t change. Success and therefore a positive self image develops by performing well and looking smart
7 Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset How do these mindsets effect us? If a person believes they failed because they are not smart or do not have enough ability, they refuse to try to learn. If a person believes that they failed because of not being prepared or working hard enough, they excel
9 You have worked all week on your observation lesson, but the administrator who is supposed to observe you does not show up. An ELL student is making progress in your class, (the consistency is working), then she leaves for a 1 month trip to El Salvador (in March). She returns showing significant regression. You are really proud of the way you have developed your curriculum, but the following year you are slotted to teach an entirely new grade and/or subject. You have really been making progress with a difficult student. Today……not so much. You just can’t seem to connect with a student, in fact, you don’t even like him! The budget has been cut and you will not have the supplies that you are expecting to use for the upcoming year
Learn to hear your Fixed Mindset “voice” “I really thought I was getting somewhere with that student but then he totally gave up today. That kid is totally unmotivated to do anything.” “Who does that person think they are for giving me advice? I’m not listening to them.” “It wasn’t my fault the students were off task, not engaged and hardly paid attention…. they just came from gym” “This would have been easy if I had more experiences prior to my first teaching job, I shouldn’t have to be held to the same expectations as other teachers” “If I don’t volunteer for any leadership committees, then I won’t risk putting myself out there and possibly face ridicule”. “It doesn’t matter how I present the information. They won’t get it anyway.” “ I can’t change the fact that he doesn’t do his homework. His parent’s are obviously not involved.”
11 Stop Complaining: Recognize that you have a choice “Even though I didn’t do as well as I wanted to this time, at least I know that I can find out what I need to do in order to do better next time! If I work hard enough, I can succeed.”
12 THE POWER OF PRAISE The TYPE of message we may be giving to our kids may be unintentionally developing a fixed mindset “I have always thought about positive reinforcement as one of the best things you can do, but I guess I never really thought about how to actually give positive reinforcement!”
13 Praising Intelligence and Ability Instead of Effort We say:They hear: “You learned that so quickly! You are so smart!” “Look at that drawing! You must be the best artist in the whole school!” “Wow! You got an A without even studying! You are so brilliant!” “If I can’t learn something else quickly, I am not smart” “I shouldn’t try drawing anything more difficult or they’ll realize I’m not the best in the school.” “That was a very easy test for me. What if I don’t get an A on a more difficult test? Then they won’t think I’m brilliant.”
Challenges and Setbacks! To measure the intelligence of a person, watch to see what they do when they DON’T KNOW 14
“The most effective teachers spend a career meticulously cultivating their appreciation for children not so easy for them to automatically embrace, while continuing to draw energy from those students whom they more automatically find delight.” – Carol Ann Tomlinson
“Believe in what you feel inside and give your dreams the wings to fly. You have everything you need, if you just believe.” – Josh Groban
17 Works Cited Dweck, Carol. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success Gladwell, Malcom. “The Talent Myth”. “The Talent Myth” Richard, Michael. “Fixed Mindset or Growth Mindset, Which one are you?”. “Fixed Mindset or Growth Mindset, Which one are you?” Padilla, Michael J. (2000). Science explorer: Environmental science. Needham, Massachusetts: Prentice Hall.