Welcome to Swartz Creek New Teacher In-Service Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Swartz Creek Learning Network Draw your Avatar on a 3x5 card Input your name, position, school Write 3 words or phrases that “tag” you Place your Avatar on the Learning Hub Network CONNECTIONSCONNECTIONS
Connections = Learning Draw a Red Line to the people you already know Draw a Blue Line to the people you would like to connect with based on their Avatar and Information Draw a Green Line to the people you connect with during our time together
Stay Connected
3/3/3 3 Slides 3 Minutes 3 Questions
Slide 1 First reaction to this question?
Slide 2 When were you a positive deviant?
Slide 3 “Books will be obsolete in the schools. Our school system will be completely changed in 10 years-” Who said this? Do you agree with this?
Slide 3 “Books will be obsolete in the schools. Our school system will be completely changed in 10 years-” Thomas Edison 1913
Non-Negotiable Items in Swartz Creek
Innovative Teaching and Learning
1: the introduction of something new 2: a new idea, method, or device — in·no·va·tion·al adjective
Customize Learning for ALL Tell of a time you or a colleague customized the learning within a classroom for one student. What has kept you from replicating this?
Technology with a PURPOSE!
How Has Your World Changed? Most students entering college for the first time this fall were born in For these students, Kurt Cobain, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Richard Nixon and John Wayne Gacy have always been dead. Every year, Beloit College in Beloit, Wis., releases its Mindset List to give a snapshot of how the incoming freshmen class views the world. The list for the Class of 2016:
How will Tech and Innovation play a role in your classroom? What Barriers do you foresee and what supports will you need?
Global Competencies
There is no better purpose in today’s world than to prepare our young men and women for an increasing complex future.
Creative Work Routine Work done by people Routine Work done by machines More Developed Countries Less Developed Countries -Research -Design -Development -Creative -Inquiry National Center on Education and the Economy (2009)
Swartz Creek Routine Work done by students Routine Work done by teachers The DREAM The Reality ? -Research -Design -Development -Creative -Inquiry The Norm The Status Quo
Majority of classrooms? Getting there How will this look like in your classroom Learn by Doing Swartz Creek
3-D Learning Done Building on Prior Knowledge Getting to know your students How will you know if your learners know/don’t know? Doing What is being done in the classroom? What experiences will they have using the knowledge and skills you are teaching? Do What will your students do with the knowledge and skills? How will you facilitate creativity in your classroom?
What does Global mean to you? What competencies should your learners develop?
Mindsets Our Friend or Foe?
Fixed vs Growth Carol Dweck
1.Your intelligence is something very basic about you that you can't change. 4.You can always substantially change how intelligent you are. Read each statement and decide whether you mostly agree with it or disagree with it. 2.You can learn new things, but you can't really change how intelligent you are. 3. No matter how much intelligence you have, you can always change it quite a bit.
Pollseverywhere.com Take out your cellphones and turn them on
Real Time Feedback oice_polls/MTM0NDgyNTQyNg oice_polls/LTE2MzU2NjI0ODk hoice_polls/NTAwMjUxOTgx ce_polls/MTAyOTcyNDA2MQ
Questions 1 and 2 are the fixed mindset questions. Questions 3 and 4 reflect the growth mindset. Which mindset did you agree with more?
Gravitational Pull of the STATUS QUO
Status Quo Swartz Creek Content Driven Fixed Mindset Procedures Conformity Industrial Model Facts memorization Rules Policy Homework New Teacher/ Program lower order thinking Squelched Creativity Routine
Status Quo Swartz Creek Content Driven Fixed Mindset Procedures Conformity Industrial Model Facts memorization Rules Policy Homework Routine Squelched Creativity lower Order Thinking New Teacher/ Program
Swartz Creek Content Driven Fixed Mindset Procedures Conformity Industrial Model Facts memorization Rules Policy Homework New Teacher/ Program Routine Squelched Creativity Lower Order Thinking We need you resilient to the gravitational pull...Your learners need you...
Educational Purgatory Where IDEAS go to wait... and wait... wait...
Discuss Your IDEA in Purgatory
BREAK Be back in 5 minutes!
Go to the Swartz Creek Wiki swcrkCIA Curriculum Instruction Assessment
Go to the Table of Contents to the right Click on the Danielson’s Framework for Teaching Page e Introduction Group Activity Questions/Comments
“I know it seems crazy when everyone else in the world wants to be a film director, but for me, teaching is one of the few heroic jobs left. All the biggest miracles take place in classrooms. Nothing happens without teachers.” Stephen Frears British film director
If you were to walk into a classroom, what might you see or hear there (from the students as well as the teacher) that would cause you to think that you were in the presence of an expert? What would make you think: “Oh, this is good; if I had a child this age, this is the class I would hope for.”
Common language Development of shared understandings Self-assessment and reflection on practice Structured professional conversation Benefits of Using the Framework
Why use the Framework? Teacher preparation Supervising student teachers Teacher recruitment and hiring Mentoring beginning teachers Structuring professional development Evaluating teacher performance
Go to the Table of Contents to the right Click on the Danielson’s Framework for Teaching Page Introduction Group Activity Questions/Comments
In groups of 3-4 (4 groups total) Research the Domain assigned and answer the questions on the activity sheet You will have 5 minutes to report out (everyone must participate!
Go to the Table of Contents to the right Click on the Danielson’s Framework for Teaching Page Introduction Group Activity Questions/Comments