1 Assistant Chair Webinar Thursday, September 15, 2010 Please join the audio portion of this training: , Access Code: ReadyTalk Help Desk: International Help:
2 Announcements This presentation and the accompanying materials are available for download from: For assistance with Voice and Web connections please contact: ReadyTalk Help Desk, International Help: Please mute your microphone if you are not speaking
3 Training Outcomes To build understanding of the role and responsibilities of the assistant chair To develop skills as an assistant chair To identify common challenges that assistant chairs face on visits and obtain guidance on how to address challenges To get updates on changes and emphases on visits in
4 Agenda Introduce ourselves (name, institution being visited, WASC experience) Review outcomes and agenda Review and discuss assistant chair responsibilities Discuss common challenges Discuss new protocols and emphases on visits Voices of experience
5 Roles and Responsibilities of the Assistant Chair Before the pre-visit conference call –Talk with the chair and VP to review the timeline and plan the pre-visit preparation –Assist the chair, as needed, in planning the pre- visit conference call and sending first chair memorandum to the team –Prepare as you would for any visit by reading and making notes on the report, data portfolio, etc.
6 Pre-visit conference call Prior: Compile team members worksheets and send to the team During: Be sure the team decides about pre-visit drafting Take notes re issues, lines of inquiry, visit strategies and team assignments After: Send pre-visit conference call notes to team With VP, communicate with ALO re changes to the schedule and additional documents needed Tools: CPR Conference Call Worksheet EER Conference Call Worksheet Special Visit Worksheet
7 More pre-visit work… Participate on call with president (sometimes) Draft opening sections of report –Description of institution and visit –Quality of report and alignment/evidence –Response to last action letter recommendations Prepare an outline/preliminary draft of the report Tools: EER Team Report CPR Team Report Special Visit Team Report
8 During the Visit-1 Make notes as needed in opening strategy/planning session and other meetings Help keep team members on track with issues and lines of inquiry, agenda, etc. Help team chair be alert to issues with the team functioning Tool: Standards at a Glance
9 During the Visit-2 Attend your scheduled meetings, etc. Draft your own sections of the report Work with ALO and AD re adjustments to schedule, additional documents, etc. Tools: Expectations for Two Reviews
10 During the Visit-3 Check the confidential account Check for and print s every day Share with team chair and team as appropriate Ensure that team is diligent in investigating issues raised by s Ensure that report does not make unsubstantiated claims based on s
11 During the Visit-4 At end of visit: Help chair and team to draft the recommendations to be shared with the campus at the exit meeting Ensure that the team completes the Educational Effectiveness Framework Collect final drafts of each team members report sections Tool: EE Framework Commission and Team Decision Indicators
12 After the Visit Compile the report Edit the report for continuity, voice and coverage –Avoid redundancy –Identify gaps –Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling –Eliminate report no-nos Send to team chair Send completed EEF to WASC VP
13 Guidance on Team Reports Team judgments must be linked to specific Standards and CFRs CFRs must be cited in reports Standards and CFRs form the basis for Commission decisions
14 Effective Team Reports Reflect a thorough assessment of the institutions capacity and/or effectiveness Are evidence based Provide the basis for a sound and supportable Commission decision Identify important areas for the institution to address
15 Using Evidence in Team Reports Use qualitative and quantitative evidence Select evidence carefully and purposefully Connect evidence to an assertion or question Analyze data; do not just set forth data Let evidence suggest improvements Use evidence that speaks to the institutions themes and the team's questions
16 Team Recommendations Should be: Overarching and important Supported by evidence Linked clearly to Standards and CFRs Supported by text in the report Distinguish major from minor recommendations and from suggestions embedded in the report
17 Tips for Writing Team Reports Remember the multiple audiences for the report: the institution, Commission and staff Honor requirements for length Be sure report addresses the themes/priorities and goals set by the institution Make commendations, but dont overdo it Use praise that does not send the wrong or a mixed signal
18 More Tips on Team Reports Ensure that evidence is sound and valid Use formal language and tone, e.g., no we or they Do not criticize or praise personnel by name Do not be overly prescriptive or try to solve the institutions problems
19 Some Challenges Team does not gel Chair is ineffective or disorganized Team member is not prepared Team does not achieve consensus Team member does not complete his/her assigned sections of the report
20 Special Issues for Visits Institutions reports should address revised CFRs CPR and EER reports should address student success EER reports should address program review and sustainability of EE CPR team reports should address marketing and recruitment practices Teams should address finances in light of economic recession as needed Tools: Fall 2010 Visit Tools
21 Other reminders … EE toolkit/evaluating program review, assessment, and using rubrics Rating the institution on the EE framework and submitting it to staff Appendices that apply (off-campus visits, online review and compliance audits) Tools: EE Toolkit Compliance Audit Checklist Distance Ed. Summary Off-campus Site Summary
22 Thank you for your service to WASC and the region This presentation and the accompanying materials are available for download from: