Welcome to 4 th Grade Back to School Night! Penelope Silva Sarah Gamble (Stephanie Reasoner) Kris Wolfgang Marcy Shapiro
What’s Happening in 4 th Grade? Goals for 4 th Grade Reading Writing Math Science Social Studies Vocabulary Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset Life Skills- Anti-Bullying
Goals for 4 th Grade Not only do we want to cover all of the Texas standards but we want to teach it in a way that is effective and engaging. We will also work this year to prepare students for the challenges of 5 th grade.
Reading – Reader’s Workshop Mini Lessons – we will focus on comprehension skills Independent Reading – students will be reading fiction and nonfiction books that are on their level They will also use reading response journals Vocabulary & Word Study – word parts, context clues and figurative language are a main focus
Reading – Reader’s Workshop Continued Guided Reading – this happens in a small group setting to focus on individualized skills that need more attention. Conferences – with all students to help maintain an open dialogue about what students are reading. Book Clubs/Literature Circles – will be utilized to encourage students to have open discussions about a shared book that they are reading.
Writing – Writer’s Workshop Mini Lessons – we will focus on different craft lessons to help students develop their writing. Genres - we will be focusing on writing personal narratives and expository pieces. Peer and Teacher Conferences – students will learn how to conference about their writing with other students, and with the teacher.
Math CGI- Cognitively Guided Instruction. CGI asks the students to solve problems and to talk about and share strategies. We will use this metacognition to develop more complex skills and mathematical algorithms. Place value, fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are key to 4th grade math. We will spend a long time developing these number skills in order to create a solid foundation for more complex math concepts.
Math CGI- students use problem solving skills to work on and then discuss a word problem. Mini Lesson - we will focus on different math skills and students will learn steps and strategies for each concept. Independent Math - students work on independent math projects, small group rotations, and math activities and games. Instruction is differentiated daily both in small groups and for homework assignments.
Science Science will include a number of hands-on activities, as well as research and experiment design. This year we’ll study: Earth and Space Ecosystems and Organisms Alternative Energy and weather Energy and electricity Matter Life cycles and heredity
Social Studies In 4th grade students learn about Texas History We will move through the history of Texas chronologically, slowing to spend more time on certain time periods Much of the learning is done across content areas Read primary sources and informational texts Written journal entry assessments Students will: Work on projects Participate in class discussions that relate history to their lives today Take notes in their spirals
Study Trips Possible study trips include: The Thinkery Pioneer Farms Mission San Jose and Mission Concepcion Central Library McKinney Roughs Nature Preserve Texas State Capital LBJ Library We love parent chaperones but remember you are on the trip to assist the class’ learning and to keep everyone safe. Please refrain from using your phone or talking while a presenting is speaking.
Vocabulary This year we have a heavy focus on academic vocabulary In addition to in-class vocabulary instruction we set aside a daily 20 minute period where we can further practice the language that is imperative to higher level learning
Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Carol Dweck Explains Mindsets Carol Dweck Explains Mindsets
Tribes- Life Skills- Anti-Bullying Tribes Agreements Attentive Listening Mutual Respect Appreciations / No Put Downs Right to Pass These agreements act as our classroom rules. Our 4 th grade curriculum is taught with many cooperative learning groups and the TRIBES agreements allow for greater productivity and respect for others in all school settings. Life Skills and Anti Bullying Curriculum – designed to have students create tools and coping mechanisms for various social situations. We will define bullying and work toward a common understanding of why it will not be tolerated at NYOS.
Homework Drop Off- 7:30AM Pick Up- 3:20-3:45- If you have an older child and would like your 4 th grader released to him/her we need a signed permission slip.
Thank You and Have a Great Evening!