Instructional Coach Model Presented by Vicente R. Reyes Executive Director Core Curriculum and Instruction COUNCIL OF THE GREAT CITY SCHOOLS 54 th ANNUAL FALL CONFERENCE OCTOBER 20 –24, 2010 “EDUCATION THAT SHINES”
Mindset If you have the fixed mindset, you believe that your talents and abilities are set in stone - either you have them or you don't. You must prove yourself over and over, trying to look smart and talented at all costs. This is the path of stagnation. If you have a growth mindset, however, you know that talents can be developed and that great abilities are built over time. This is the path of opportunity - and success. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck
Instructional Coaches in DISD How do we organize the work? How do Instructional Coaches do the work? How do we know Instructional Coaches are doing good work? How can we make our model better?
How Do We Organize The Work? Support to all Title I Campuses (DW Plan).DW Plan Tiering of Schools (Tiered List)Tiered List Elementary Campuses (SELC)SELC Secondary Campuses (East LC)East LC
How Do Instructional Coaches Do The Work? Leading and Learning: Systems of Support (4-2-1)4-2-1 Instructional Coach Model (Cycle)Cycle
How Do We Know Instructional Coaches Are Doing Good Work? Coach – Campus Data (Data)Data Feedback From the Field (Survey, Comments)SurveyComments
How Can We Make This Better? Pooling of Resources (2010 Template)2010 Template Multi-Language Department Advanced Academics Department Instructional Technology Department On-going Research, Review, and Reflection!