Electrical Safety Program Refresher Training In Compliance with NFPA 70E, 2009 Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace
Definition of Hot Work Any work on electrical equipment, circuits, devices, systems, or any other energized part(s) where an employee is required to deliberately, or could accidentally, place any part of his body, tool or material into or around such electrical devices where the voltage has been deemed to be in excess of 50 volts.
Why 50 Volts? OSHA and NFPA 70E have determined that the threshold for dangerous electrical potential is 50 volts. WHY? The average human has 10,000 ohms of resistance in our skin. Currents of .005 amperes can be fatal. Ohms law: 50 volts / 10000 ohms= .005 A
Study of Electrical Accidents Study was done base on serious electrical accidents that occurred to professional electricians during the discharge of their professional duties. An electrical accident was defined as an accident that was caused by contact or close proximity with electrical energy that was discharged in a manner not compliant with the circuit or system’s design.
Study of Electrical Accidents A serious accident was defined as any accident that resulted in 6 months lost time up to and including a fatality. There were 178 accidents that fell into this category in 1998.
Category Break Down Distribution Equipment: 4% Overhead Power Lines: 3% Devices Mounted Below 8’: 31% Devices Mounted Above 8’: 59% Other Accidents: 3%
Interesting Statistics 90% of the accidents occurred while doing every day electrical tasks 81% of the accidents occurred to electricians with 8 plus years of experience. Ask yourself why the majority of these serious accidents occurred to experienced electricians.
The Hazards of Electricity Electrical Shock Burns Arc Blast Arc Flash
Electrical Shock Short Term Effects Long Term Effects Heart Failure External Burns Internal Burn Cellular Degradation Autonomic System Failure Ventricular Fibrillation Muscle Contractions Long Term Effects Nervous system disorders Heart Damage Heat Murmur Brain Chemical Imbalance Muscle Ticks Muscle Damage
Effects of Current on the Body Five primary factors affect the severity of the shock a person receives when he or she is a part of an electrical circuit: Amount of current flowing through the body (measured in amperes). Path of the current through the body. Length of time the body is in the circuit. Contraction position of the heart Chemical cycle of the body
Safety BASICs TM Shock (A) Touch Potential (B) Step Potential (C and D) Touch / Step Potential Current passing through the heart and lungs is the most serious The most damaging path for electrical current is through the chest cavity (See A and D) and head. In short, any prolonged exposure to 60 Hz current of 10 mA or more may be fatal. Fatal ventricular fibrillation of the heart (stopping of rhythmic pumping action) can be initiated by a current flow of as little as several milli-amperes (mA). These injuries can cause fatalities resulting from either direct paralysis of the respiratory system, failure of rhythmic pumping action, or immediate heart stoppage. During fibrillation, the victim may not be conscious. On the other hand, he may be conscious, deny needing help, walk a few feet and then collapse. Prompt medical attention is needed for anyone receiving electrical shock. Many of these people can be saved provided they receive Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) quickly.
Other Factors The voltage of the current. The presence of moisture in the environment. The general health of the person prior to the shock The resistance of the person shocked
Safety BASICs Shock (Resistance Table) TM To understand the currents possible in the body, it is important to understand the contact resistance of our skin. The skins resistance can change as a function of the moisture present in its external and internal layers, with changes due to ambient temperatures, humidity, fright, anxiety, etc. Body tissue, vital organs, blood vessels and nerves (non-fat) tissue in the human body contains water and electrolytes and is highly conductive with limited resistance to alternating electrical current. As the resistance of the skin is broken down by electrical current, resistance drops, and current levels increase.
Effects of Current Current level (in milliamperes) and Probable effect on human body 1 mA Perception level. Slight tingling sensation. Still dangerous under certain conditions. 5 mA Slight shock felt; not painful but disturbing. Average individual can let go. However, strong involuntary reactions to shocks in this range may lead to injuries. Ventricular fibrillation can occur at this level. 6-30 mA Painful shock, muscular control is lost. This is called the freezing current or "let-go" range. 50-150 mA Extreme pain, respiratory arrest, severe muscular contractions. Individual cannot let go. Death is possible. 1000-4300 mA Ventricular fibrillation (the rhythmic pumping action of the heart ceases.) will occur. Muscular contraction and nerve damage occur. Death is most likely. 10,000 mA Cardiac arrest, severe burns and death almost certain.
Far Beyond the Survival Current. Energized Work Is usually preformed on equipment that is not protected by GFCIs. Even a 15 ampere circuit break will not trip until an overload of 15001 milliamperes is felt in the human body. Far Beyond the Survival Current.
Types of Burns First-degree burns include only the outer layer of skin. The skin may be red. The skin may also hurt when touched. These are mild burns and usually heal in a few days. Second-degree burns are deeper and more severe. Blisters may form on the burned area. The skin feels very tender when touched. This burn takes about 2 weeks to heal. Third-degree burns are the deepest and most dangerous. The skin is tough or leathery. It may look white, brown, black, or red. You may not feel anything when the burned skin is touched
Effects of Electrical Burns Immediate Effects Pain Deformity Nerve Damage Oral Cavity Damage Genital Damage Long Term Effects Bone Damage Nerve Damage Organ Failure Teeth and Gum Failure
Arc Blast and Flash The third hazard of electricity is the most powerful and dangerous, yet the least talked about in electrical circles. It was not officially recognized until 1995. It was not widely studied until 1997. We now understand it very well, perhaps, too well.
Arc Blast What is an electrical arc. What causes an arc? HEAT Current flowing through an area that was once filled with air. What causes an arc? HEAT Electrical conductors coming into contact and breaking contact Electrical conductors coming into close contact Environmental conditions
Effects of Arc Blast An electrical arc burns at between 20,000 and 32,000 degrees F. That is twice the center of a nuclear explosion. That is four times the surface temperature of the sun The average electrical arc lasts for 4-6 cycles from beginning to end.
Expansion of Material Matter changes shape with temperature as it goes from solid to liquid to gaseous forms. Water expands 4 times when it goes from liquid to gaseous form. Copper expands nearly 67,000 times in volume when it goes from solid to gaseous form. This happens in less than a 10th of a second.
Shock Wave Due to this expansion of material, a shock wave that measures approximately 600 lbs of pressure per square inch moves outward from the arc. Anyone in this blast area will be moved out of the blast area, forcefully.
Cooper Bussman Studies Cooper Bussman and many other companies have done extensive testing of arc blasts since 1997. The following slides demonstrate the power of an arc blast in a standard piece of equipment.
Hot Air-Rapid Expansion Electrical Arc Molten Metal 35,000 °F Pressure Waves Sound Waves Shrapnel Copper Vapor: Solid to Vapor Expands by 67,000 times - When an electric arc occurs, various hazards can result: Pressure Waves (Result of super heating of air & metal vapors) Sound Waves Molten Metal (Result from high temperatures) Copper Vapor (Result from high temperatures) Intense Light Shrapnel Burns This is a simplified model of an arcing fault occurrence. The arcing fault can be between one phase to ground or neutral or phase to phase or three phase. A phase to ground or phase to phase arcing fault can quickly escalate into a three phase arcing fault due to the expansive cloud of copper vapor which can engulf all phase conductors . The chain of events during an arcing fault can be extremely rapid. The incident can be so rapid that the human system (eyes, optic nerves, brain, etc.) is incapable of observing and recalling the event in detail. The event occurs too fast. The test video footage captured by normal speed and high speed devices will illustrate this. The magnitude of an arcing fault is subject to many variables and therefore is unpredictable. Sustainable arcing faults in equipment may vary from approximately a minimum of 38% (L-G) to 89% (3 phase) (SPD). This phenomenon can occur when an arcing fault is initiated accidentally by a worker. The consequences to the worker can be catastrophic. Hot Air-Rapid Expansion Intense Light
Personnel Hazards Associated with Arc Flash Heat – Burns & Ignition of Materials Arc temperature of 35,000 ºF Molten metal, copper vapor, heated air Second Degree Burn Threshold : 80 ºC / 175 ºF (0.1 sec), 2nd degree burn Third Degree Burn Threshold: 96 ºC / 205 ºF (0.1 sec), 3rd degree burn Intense Light Damage eyes – cataracts 35,000 degree F can occur at the arc tips. 35, 000 degrees is approximately four times the temperature on the surface of the sun. This high temperature vaporizes and melts the adjacent copper conductors and other materials. The high temperatures and molten metal can ignite improper clothing such as polyesters. Remember the thresholds for second and third degree burns. Later actual tests are shown that capture the resulting temperatures from arc faults on simulated workers. These values will be important to compare to the results measured from the tests.
Personnel Hazards Associated with Arc Flash Pressures From Expansion of Metals & Air Eardrum Rupture Threshold 720 lbs/ft2 Lung Damage - Threshold 1728 - 2160 lbs/ft2 Shrapnel Flung Across Room or From Ladder/Bucket The vaporization of the metals and super heating of air creates a pressure blast. This blast can exert tremendous pressures on equipment and people. Medical research has shown that ear drums can rupture at the threshold levels shown. The angle of the ear opening can alter the effects. Lung damage such as collapse can occur at the threshold level shown. Remember the eardrum and lung damage thresholds to compare to results of upcoming tests.
IEEE/PCIC & NFPA 70E Arc Flash Hazard Concerned individuals in IEEE Petro-Chem Industry Committee have done a great deal of research and papers on the hazards of arc flash. Their work has helped to quantify the hazards associated with arc faults. Their work has made significant contributions to NFPA 70E revisions.
Arc Flash Hazard Following are some of the tests run by IEEE Ad Hoc Safety Committee All of the devices used for this testing were applied according to their listed ratings There are three tests with results that will be shown. This committee has run numerous tests. These three tests provide some interesting prospective that can help you understand the dynamics of arcing faults. Also these tests can provide insight on ways to reduce the risk.
Setup Area For Tests A standard electrical room set up The test will be performed on a relatively low hazard area. Not the switchgear 30A disconnect - View of the test area Testing in both combination starters(left) and MCC(rear) Mannequins to simulate workers
Arc-Flash Close-up of Test Area -Mannequins with sensors were used to capture data
Available Fault Current 22.6 KA Symmetrical Available Fault Current @ 480V, 3 Phase Test Info 6 cycle STD 640A OCPD Non Current Limiting with Short Time Delay Set @ 6 cycle opening Fault Initiated on Line Side of 30A Fuse 30A RK-1 Current Limiting Fuse This is the first test we will review. It is Test 4. The fault is on the line side of the 30A branch overcurrent protective device (OCPD) The feeder OCPD is the device that will be called upon to react to this overcurrent. The feeder OCPD used in this test is a power circuit breaker with a short time delay (there is no instantaneous trip). Short time delay (STD) devices are used to achieve coordination between the branch and feeder OCP devices. Where continuity of service is important or critical, and where using circuit breakers, the feeder and main circuit breakers must be equipped with short time delay options. A short time delay option allows a circuit breaker to intentionally hold off opening when a fault occurs; this allows downstream devices to clear faults on their circuits without opening the circuit breaker with the STD. However, when a fault does occur on the circuit of the circuit breaker with a short time delay, the fault is permitted to flow for the time of the short time delay settings. This can allow a great deal of energy to flow while the short time delay times out. Industrial plants and commercial buildings that have circuit breakers and that require coordination, typically will have short time delays on their feeder and main circuit breakers. The users of the IEEE committee that participated in these tests typically use STD’s on their feeder circuits when they use circuit breakers as their feeder OCPD’s. In other words, this is a common application of circuit breakers. Notice the fault is created on the line side of the 30 amp fuse. So the 30 amp fuse is not in the faulted circuit. The fault has to be cleared by the 640 amp feeder circuit breaker. Size 1 Starter
TEST This test is illustrated by a series of still images of the test. The current flowed for 6 cycles which is one tenth of a second. View the sequence of image for this one tenth of a second in the next six slides. As you go through the slide notice the high intensity arc flash. The high intensity of the flash persists for a very long time. You will be able to compare this to other tests that follow this later in the presentation. Notice the molten metal that erupts out of the box. This molten metal can ignite flammable clothing or materials in the area. The thermal energy that is focused at the workers is extremely high. - Note the ball of fire builds up then dies down due to the short time delay going through its cycles.
TEST Arc Blast Begins
TEST : Molten Copper
TEST: Copper vapor leads to a second blast in gutter There was a secondary fault in the wire way above the starter enclosures. The blast from that fault blew the wire way cover off.
TEST: Second blast fire ball
TEST: Metal, copper and PVC continue to burn
TEST: Room enveloped in toxic smoke
Available Fault Current 22.6 KA Symmetrical Available Fault Current @ 480V, 3 Phase Results: Test 640A OCPD Non Current Limiting with Short Time Delay Opened in six cycles No Current Limitation Fault Initiated on Line Side of 30A Fuse 30A RK-1 Current Limiting Fuse The fault current was permitted to flow for 6 cycles (setting of short time delay on circuit breaker). What started as a single phase arcing fault quickly escalated into a three phase arcing fault. Size 1 Starter
> Indicates Meter Pegged 437 F Results: Test T1 T2 P1 T3 Sound 141.5 db @ 2 ft. 50 C / 122 F >2160 lbs/sq.ft > Indicates Meter Pegged > 225 C /437 F The mannequin closest to the arcing fault had sensors affixed to specific parts. The readings from the test can provide great insight to the hazards of arcing faults. -Sound, pressure, and temperature measurements on the worker were recorded - > 2160 lbs/sq. ft would damage the lungs and eardrums(remember thresholds) - Temp (T1) and (T2) were well above the 3rd degree burn level of 205 deg F - Sound intensity level well above shotgun level Temp (T3) read under cotton shirt and the shirt provided a good barrier against the high level temperatures The recorded results show that bare skin of the hand and neck would have incurred very serious burns since the recorders were pegged well above the incurable burn level. The pressure on the chest also was very severe. The pressure pegged the meter so it was beyond the threshold for lung damage.
How Do We Protect Ourselves Use the STOP Principal Stop Think Options Protections
Lock Out/ Tag Out We will discuss methods of protecting you from the hazards of electricity later in the class. The best method of protection is to de-energize the circuit.
The ESP Now let’s review the Electrical Safety Policy and How it will be used to help reduce the effects of electrical hazards. The ESP is based on NFPA 70E. The Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace.
NFPA 70E First published in 1997 Published by the NFPA Updated in 2000, 2004 and 2009. Now a part of the NEC code making process and formatted in the same manner.
OSHA and NFPA 70E Six states have adopted NFPA 70E as the basis for electrical safety. The Federal OSHA requirements are in the process of being modified to meet NFPA 70E standards. NFPA 70E can be used by OSHA compliance officers now as a basis for a citation.
Overview of Safety Policy The policy can be broken into three parts Administration Hazard Prevention Hazard Control
Policy Requirements All employees are required to read the entire policy and make themselves familiar with the requirements of the policy. Ask your supervisor if you do not understand any of this policy.
Policy Overview In this course we will cover some of the requirements of the electrical safety policy.
Personal Protective Equipment Gloves Tools FR Clothing Double Layered All Cotton unclothing Eye protection Face protection Ear protection
Selection of Equipment All personal protective equipment shall be selected based on the NFPA 70E charts provided in the electrical safety policy. You can download this chart from the main module page.
Authorization No energized work may take place until a completed Energized Work Form has been submitted and approved by the site superintendent, the project manager, the Director of Education and Loss Prevention and either the Director of Service or the VP of Operations. The Energized work form must be completed in detail and completely.
Hazard Risk Analysis The most important part of protecting ourselves is to identify the hazards and find means to reduce and control those hazards. We accomplish this with the Hazard Risk Analysis. A hazard risk analysis example is included in the Electrical Safey Policy. Be sure to download this from the module and read it.
Avoiding The Situation Ensure that power is locked out and tagged Ensure temporary power panels are locked so that only E Light Personnel may operate Ensure that only qualified and authorized personnel energize circuits Ensure that all terminations are completed in a safe manner prior to energizing any circuits. Never Assume
Review of Policies We will discuss the Electrical Safety Policy and the Safety Plan for Solaris Project Regarding the Energizing of Electric Systems No work may occur or any circuit may be energized unless all of the conditions and procedures of the Safety Plan for Solaris Project Regarding the Energizing of Electric Systems have been successfully accomplished
“Do Not Tell Me It’s Dangerous.” Most electricians inform customers that it is dangerous to work on live equipment and circuits. They already know this. That is why they call us. We have to show them the risks they are taking when we work energized. We need to ensure our clients are satisfied with our work but we are also the experts in the electrical field. It is our responsibility to inform them of unsafe conditions.
Our Responsibility We are the electrical experts We must say no when we are requested to do something that is unsafe We must say no when we are asked to circumvent the procedure or policy, even if it is just one time, and even if it is “urgent or important.” The Weitz Company and Helix E Light have agreed to implement this policy on the jobsite and both companies have agreed to follow the procedures to improve the electrical safety on the project.
The Risks of Not Following the Procedures Injury or Fatality Uncontrolled shutdown OSHA Investigation Replacement of parts Downtime to make repairs Monetary damages
Summary Electricity is the most powerful force commonly used by mankind. We as electricians are exposed to it’s energy more than anyone else. We must take every precaution to ensure our safety and the safety of others. We want you to go home the same way you came to work.
When an electrician makes a mistake, people can die…. S.T.O.P. When an electrician makes a mistake, people can die…. Including the electrician!!!!
Return to the module main page and complete the test. Thank you, Ted Smith