Introduction: (1.)Kobe Bryant is one of the greatest players ever BECAUSE HE HAS LEARNED HOW TO PLAY WITH PAIN. -As Christians, we must serve God and -As Christians, we must serve God and contribute to the success of NRS EVEN contribute to the success of NRS EVEN IN THE MIDST OF OUR OWN IN THE MIDST OF OUR OWN PERSONAL PAIN. PERSONAL PAIN. (2.)In June of 2010, Bryant led the Lakers to an NBA Title with a broken right index finger (BAD HAND). -We can win, EVEN when life deals us a -We can win, EVEN when life deals us a bad hand. bad hand.
Body: (A.)Luke tells us of a man in the synagogue with a withered right hand (A BAD HAND). -Luke mentions his ISSUE but doesn’t mention his NAME. -Luke mentions his ISSUE but doesn’t mention his NAME. -Sadly people in life know our ISSUE before they know -Sadly people in life know our ISSUE before they know our NAME. our NAME. (B.)VS.6 This man is in the synagogue (church) on the Sabbath (Day of Rest) with a withered hand. -He’s at church, and everyone’s resting while he’s -He’s at church, and everyone’s resting while he’s suffering. suffering. -Sometimes in church, it seems like everyone else is -Sometimes in church, it seems like everyone else is doing well while we are suffering. doing well while we are suffering.
Body: (C.)VS.6 This man has a withered RIGHT hand (power, authority, strength, and honor). -The fact that his hand is withered says he used to have a -The fact that his hand is withered says he used to have a whole hand (he was on top but he’s now been whole hand (he was on top but he’s now been stripped). stripped). -It easy to be on top one minute and see it all wither -It easy to be on top one minute and see it all wither away in life. away in life. (D.)VS.6 This man is in the synagogue (at church) with a bad hand. -We should not use the bad hand we’ve been dealt in life -We should not use the bad hand we’ve been dealt in life as an excuse not to come to church. as an excuse not to come to church.
Body: (E.)VS.6 Jesus is teaching in the synagogue and notices this man with a withered right hand. -Jesus didn’t teach to make himself look good; HE CARED -Jesus didn’t teach to make himself look good; HE CARED ABOUT THE PEOPLE HE TAUGHT. ABOUT THE PEOPLE HE TAUGHT. -Ministry is not about us; it’s about people (WE MUST -Ministry is not about us; it’s about people (WE MUST CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE WE MINISTER TO). CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE WE MINISTER TO). (F.)VS.7 The scribes and pharisees are also in the synagogue and DON’T want Jesus to heal this man. -They cared more about their religious man made laws -They cared more about their religious man made laws (No Healing On the Sabbath) than seeing somebody (No Healing On the Sabbath) than seeing somebody freed from pain. freed from pain. -EVERYBODY IN CHURCH DOESN’T WANT US TO DO BETTER! -EVERYBODY IN CHURCH DOESN’T WANT US TO DO BETTER!
Body: (G.)What do we do when life deals us a bad hand? -VS.8 Rise up; Stand forth. -VS.8 Rise up; Stand forth. *We must stand in the midst of our circumstance *We must stand in the midst of our circumstance (1Cor.15:58). (1Cor.15:58). -VS.10 Stretch forth your hand. -VS.10 Stretch forth your hand. *STRETCH the little bit of hand we have left; MAKE *STRETCH the little bit of hand we have left; MAKE SOMETHING (THE BEST) OF IT! SOMETHING (THE BEST) OF IT!Close: (1.)VS.10 The man stretched/lifted his hand in the synagogue (AN EXPRESSION OF HIS PRAISE), and God made him whole. -We must praise God, EVEN with a bad hand. -We must praise God, EVEN with a bad hand.