Exodus 20:22-26
THE LAW OF THE ALTAR (Exodus 20:22-26) I. GOD SPOKE (Ex. 20:22-23). A. His authority is expressed in words (v. 22). 1. Apart from revelation, we can know nothing of God’s will (Rom. 11:33-36)! 2. How do you know of… a. God’s Justice & His Love? b. What is Sin? Our Need of Pardon? c. God’s conditions for salvation? (Rom. 10:17; John 20:30-32; 1 Jn. 5:13)
THE LAW OF THE ALTAR (Exodus 20:22-26) I. GOD SPOKE (Ex. 20:22-23). B. His Authority Is Absolute (v. 23). 1. Man tends to change things: 2. Man tends to walk by sight (Ex. 32:1; 2 Cor. 5:7, “Out of sight, out of mind!”). a. “Represent” God (Ex. 32:1-6, 7-9; 1 Kings 12:28, 33). b. Mingled With God (2 Kings 17:33ff). c. Replaced God (Jer. 44:1-10, 15-18).
THE LAW OF THE ALTAR (Exodus 20:22-26) II. GOD REVEALS HOW TO APPROACH HIM (Ex. 20:24-26). A. Altar of Earth or Stone (v. 23). 1. Not hewn, No Tool. WHY? a. No hint of man’s skill or design. c. What power did dirt & stones have? b. The focus should be on exalting God, not glorifying man (1 Cor. 1:18-31; Gal. 1:6-9; 2 Cor. 11;3-4)! The power of God’s promise!
THE LAW OF THE ALTAR (Exodus 20:22-26) II. GOD REVEALS HOW TO APPROACH HIM (Ex. 20:24-26). B. No Steps, Expose Nakedness (v.26). 1. Be Holy (Lev. 20:7-9ff; 1 Pet. 1:13-16)! 2. Don’t cause others to stumble (Matt. 18:7; Matt. 5:32; etc.)! (1 Cor. 11:27; Phil. 1:27; 1 Thess. 4:1-8) C. GOD IS APPROACHABLE (Heb.4:14-16) ! 1. Disobedience not licensed / approved, but mercy is available (1 John 2:1)!
THE LAW OF THE ALTAR (Exodus 20:22-26) III. MODERN APPLICATIONS A. Statues & Icons Representing Christ, the cross, etc. Is this an altar of earth / stone? Is this from heaven? Or is this from men? Or is it hewn stones? (Matt. 21:25)
THE LAW OF THE ALTAR (Exodus 20:22-26) III. MODERN APPLICATIONS B. Musical Instruments Is this an altar of earth / stone? Is this worship in spirit & in truth (Jn 4:24)? Or according to man’s doctrine (Mt. 15:9)? Or is it hewn stones?
THE LAW OF THE ALTAR (Exodus 20:22-26) III. MODERN APPLICATIONS C. Standards For Fellowship: - “Unity in Diversity” Of Doctrines - Doctrinal Differences in Rom. 14 Is this an altar of earth / stone? Did Paul ever draw lines of fellowship? Name names & doctrines (2 Tim. 2:16-18)? If he did, shouldn’t we? Or is it hewn stones?
THE LAW OF THE ALTAR (Exodus 20:22-26) CONCLUSION: 1) What way to the blood will God accept? (Heb. 10:1, 19-22) Any way? A man made way? Or the one God revealed? 2) The law of life / freedom (Rom. 8:2, 7)! The law of faith (Rom. 3:27; 10:17)! The law of liberty (James 1:25)! The law of mercy (James 2:12-13)!