American Chemical Society The Role of Undergraduate Research in the Certified Chemistry Major Thomas Wenzel Department of Chemistry Bates College Lewiston,


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Presentation transcript:

American Chemical Society The Role of Undergraduate Research in the Certified Chemistry Major Thomas Wenzel Department of Chemistry Bates College Lewiston, ME BCCE Symposium on The Evolution of the ACS Approval Process: Moving beyond the 2008 Guidelines July 31, 2012

American Chemical Society 2 Five foundation courses Four in-depth courses 400 laboratory hours Undergraduate research can be used –As one of the in-depth courses –For up to 180 lab hours 2008 Guidelines – Requirements

American Chemical Society 3 Council on Undergraduate Research Definition of Undergraduate Research An inquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate student that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline. Original work Contribution to discipline

American Chemical Society 4 Student must write a written comprehensive report if research is used for in-depth course or lab hours –CPT Supplement on Written Research Reports Research –Represents original work –Develops new knowledge –Undertaken with the intent to publish the work ACS Guidelines ACS Supplement on Undergraduate Research

American Chemical Society 5 CPT desires excellence and rigor –Has supplemental documents on excellence and rigor Programs characterized by excellence and rigor develop in students a range of professional skills Excellence and Rigor in Effective Educational Practices

American Chemical Society 6 Communication in oral and written forms Work in teams Ask questions Design experiments Interpret results Think in innovative ways Exhibit leadership Develop desire for lifelong learning Behave in ethical manner DESIRED PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Are these Incorporated into Research? Note absence of chemical content

American Chemical Society 7 Educational Pedagogy –Should include integrative curricular experiences where students apply knowledge in new contexts and transfer knowledge from one context to another Faculty –Willingness to interact with students in the learning process EXCELLENCE Are these Incorporated into Research?

American Chemical Society 8 Experiences in which students apply fundamental principles toward an understanding of chemical systems Actively engage students Promote progressive development in students’ responsibility for learning Promote development of critical thought Development of multistep problem solving RIGOR Are these Incorporated into Research?

American Chemical Society 9 Analyze data and scientific arguments Synthesize and apply concepts from multiple sub- disciplines of chemistry Recognize applicability of foundational and advanced concepts to new situations Communicate effectively in oral and written forms Students Should be Able to … Are these incorporated into research?

American Chemical Society 10 Guidelines –Undergraduate research allows students to integrate learning experiences and participate directly in the process of science Rigor document –Undergraduate research has the potential to facilitate in students a mastery of independent thought and self-direction Other CPT Statements

American Chemical Society 11 Undergraduate research can be the most educationally valuable experience for students Students participating in research have the potential to grow professionally and personally in a manner not possible through traditional classroom and instructional lab experiences. CPT Supplement on Undergraduate Research

American Chemical Society 12 Undergraduate research one of the most powerful opportunities for students to learn problem-solving skills Undergraduate research provides a unique opportunity for students to develop oral and written communication skills Opportunity to reinforce and develop safety skills CPT Supplement on Student Skills

American Chemical Society 13 Work in teams Chances to develop leadership skills Written and oral communication skills whose quality and scope increasingly advance as the curriculum develops Read and properly cite scientific literature Professional ethics Develop Skills and Competencies Throughout the Curriculum Progression of Skill Development

American Chemical Society 14 Develop testable hypotheses Design experiments Ask questions Interpret data Draw and argue for conclusions Instructional Laboratories in Which Students … In other words, experiences that are “research-like” in their approach

American Chemical Society 15 SALG – Student Assessment of Learning Gains SURE – Survey of Undergraduate Research Experiences CURE – Classroom Undergraduate Research Experience Written research reports – important to CPT –Thorough –Well-referenced –Evidence that student has devoted considerable time and thought to the project Assessment

American Chemical Society 16 Importance of support staff (not mandated) –Stockroom administration –Equipment maintenance 15 contact hours maximum –Should be significantly smaller, especially if supervise undergraduate research Physical plant/facilities Instrument holdings Professional development activities – attendance at conferences and sabbatical leaves Other Facets of Guidelines that Support Undergraduate Research

American Chemical Society 17 Many students research reports are of unacceptable quality and given unreasonably high grades. –No abstract –No (or too few) references –No/little primary literature in the references –2-5 pages long –Very few experiments done –Missing expected sections – Intro, Expt, R&D –No conclusions Observation by CPT Since this is presumably a capstone experience, what does it say about the department?

American Chemical Society 18 Work is not original – or insufficient evidence to assess whether original Work is not aimed at eventual publication More Problems Perhaps not as serious as those on the preceding slide, but still important given ACS guidelines and CPT expectations

American Chemical Society 19 Should a research experience be required for certification? If so, –Do departments have enough capacity to involve every undergraduate in research? –Should there be an hourly requirement – is 3 hours a week for a 10-week quarter or 14-week semester enough? –Should there by standards for quality of the final reports? Future