WEAVEonline Basics Steven H. Wilson, Ph.D. Dean, Academic Assessment Learning Effectiveness Sub-Council May 1, 2013
Objectives Become familiar with the WEAVEonline site Understand WEAVEonline functions & roles Learn how to build and manage YOUR entity Learn how to enter, review, edit, and use goals, outcomes, measures, and results Learn how to enter, review, edit, and use action plans and analysis questions Learn how to build and manage reports
Example 1: Discipline/Program Assessment Report, pre-2013
Example 2: Discipline/Program Assessment Report, 2013-
Logging In Abbreviation: tulsacc
Login Page
Home Page 1 : Cycle and Entity Choice
Administrative Tools & Tabs
As an Entity Administrator, these are the Admin Tools accessible to you
TCC Entity Tree
Assessment Tools & Tabs
Example 3: NURS Program Assessment
Assessment Worksheet Academic Division:Contact person:Assessment cycle/year: Discipline or Program: address: Mission/Purpose Mission/Purpose: highest aims, intentions, and objectives. [Course, Discipline, or Program] Goals: Goal: broad statement(s) about desired ends. Goal 1. Goal 2. Goal 3. Assessment Summary Student Learning OutcomesMeasure(s)Achievement TargetsFindingsAction Plans Student Learning Outcome: measurable active-verb description of a desired result related to goal(s). Measure: method to gauge achievement of expected outcome. Achievement Target: faculty-set level for satisfactory performance on a Measure-Outcome combination. Findings: assessment results for comparison of actual vs. expected achievement level. Plus: # of students assessed. Action Plan: specific activity designed to help accomplish intended outcomes in future Questions [Longer-term needs or objectives developed by faculty/discipline/division] Ex. Based on your findings and action plans, what primary changes will you make for student learning? Program outcomes? Changes to the assessment process? Annual Report Items [developed by Assessment Office] Ex. Contributions to other initiatives, Executive Summary, Annual Highlights, Teaching and Research Activities, etc. Faculty SLO Worksheet
Example 4: NURS Program Report
Associations TermSynonymsWEAVE definition General Education Core CurriculumSelected General Education / Core Curriculum associations. Institutional Priorities VisionItems of urgency or importance to the institution. StandardsAccreditation, regional or discipline-specific Acknowledged set of requirements fostering excellence. Strategic Plans Alignment Planning A long-term, practical, action-oriented document resulting from strategic planning.
What’s Missing?
Example 5: Academic Demo Report
What’s Still Missing?
HLC: The New Criteria for Accreditation Criterion Four. Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement The institution demonstrates responsibility for the quality of its educational programs, learning environments, and support services, and it evaluates their effectiveness for student learning through processes designed to promote continuous improvement.
Examples of Associations already available for TCC, and how they appear and are used in the goals & outcomes view
Closing the Loop TermSynonymsWEAVE definition Action PlansChanges Improvements Planning Closing the Loop Activity sequence designed to help entity better accomplish intended outcomes/objectives. Analysis Questions Program Review Reflection Queries designed by the institution that show for all entities; some may be labeled for subset. Annual Reports Yearly Summary Big Picture Report Sections designed by the institution.
Action Plans and Tracking
Action Plan Tracking 1
Action Plan Tracking 2
Achievement Target Summary
Analysis Questions
Results and Reporting