Africa Unit Exam Review Teams of 8 10-30 seconds to answer each question Use your notes and handouts to help chose the correct answer Discuss in your group, but talk at a very low level so the other teams cannot hear your answers One person writes the answer (the number) on the whiteboard and will stand up to show it All teams show whiteboard at the same time New group member writes the answer after each question The wining group will get a raffle ticket for each member!!!!!!
2. Which type of land are you most likely to encounter if you travel across northern Africa? rain forest savannah desert tundra
4. The Tiber River is to Rome as the ________ River is to West Africa. Congo Mississippi Nile Niger
1. What are the major vegetation zones of West Africa? desert, farmland, swamps, savannah desert, sahel, savannah, rain forest forest, mountains, desert, valleys rivers, forest, desert, oceans
6. What information does the map show? Trans-Saharan trade in Africa Rain forests in the Middle East Vegetation zones in Africa Growth of Islam in Africa
8. Why does Africa have such a great variety of geographic features? Africa covers a small area of land. Africa covers a very large area so there are many types of land within it. The climate of Africa is unstable. The climate of the region never changes.
3. What is the importance of the Niger River in West Africa It was a source of water, rich soil, & trade It was a source of ocean water. It was a watering hole for animals. It was not a meaningful river.
9. Which animal helped to make trade across the Sahara desert possible? horses elephants mules camels
7. Looking at the map, what bodies of water surround southern Africa? Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean Red Sea and Indian Ocean
5. What is the meaning of the term “trans-Sahara”? across the Sahara desert away from the Sahara desert around the Sahara desert under the Sahara desert
14. The map primarily shows contact from who? explorers who were mapping Central Africa. North African traders who crossed the Sahara desert into West Africa. Christian missionaries from the Middle East. barbarians invading from the Roman Empire.
11. What was salt used for in West Africa? as a fertilizer for crops religious ceremonies to season and preserve food as a symbol of wealth
12. How did the people of Ghana increased the value of the gold they traded? destroying gold to keep the supply low. showing everyone the sources of the gold. making more gold when supplies ran low. keeping the source of gold a secret.
13. What did the kings of Ghana do to gain power gain control of the valuable trade routes own more camels than other states form alliances with other groups of people build the strongest wall in all of Africa.
21. Which language did West Africans adopt to serve as their written language? Arabic English Islamic Spanish
23. What does this picture show about West African culture? the spread of Latin as a written language the influence of traditional West African griot storytelling the influence of Islam and the growth of Arabic as a written language the rise of Christianity in Africa
19. How did Mansa Musa’s travels affect the development of the Mali Empire? He ended slavery in Mali. He gave away all of the empire’s gold. He attracted scholars to Timbuktu, which increased cultural growth and trade. He forced people to pray in mosques.
16. What did the kings of Ghana do to gain wealth? convert to Islam sell salt tax trade within their empire trade camels
17. What religion was brought to Africa as a result of new trade and cultural exchanges? Christianity Islam Animism Buddhism
10. Which mineral resources were most valuable to traders in Africa? granite and coal salt and gold iron and diamonds oil and silver
25. How did Islam influence Ghana and Mali rulers? Islam’s use of storytelling helped Muslims gain power in the government. Incorporation of Shar’iah, Islamic laws gave rulers more power. Islam’s lack of laws allowed rulers to do whatever they wanted Islam’s many laws kept the rulers weak.
18. How did the Berber traders influence life in Ghana? They introduced written language, Arabic. They introduced Islam to Ghana. They brought the salt trade to Ghana. All of the above
15. Looking at the map, which city, along the Niger river, was a major trade and cultural center of Ghana and Mali? Marrakesh Saleh Songhai Timbuktu
20. Which of the following is NOT a way that Mansa Musa spread Islam and education throughout Mali? He stressed the importance of reading and writing in Arabic He hired architects and artists from other empires to build mosques. He sent scholars to study in Morocco and then set up schools in Mali. He forced everyone to convert to Islam.
22. Which of the following is an example of how West Africans combined their traditional beliefs with Islam They became monotheistic, but continued to use amulets. They refused to pray five times a day. They continued to be polytheistic, but stopped ancestor worship. They refused to read the Qur’an.
24. What does this text show? West Africans built mosques that blended Islamic architectural style with their own traditional art. Islamic architecture over-powered traditional West African culture. Islamic architecture was more attractive than West African architecture. West Africans combined Islamic culture into their own traditional culture. West African totally resisted Islamic culture.