Crop and Rangeland Monitoring in West Africa, the AGRHYMET experience by Seydou B. TRAORE, agrometeorologist AGRHYMET Regional Centre, Niamey, Niger 1 3 rd CRAM workshop, Nairobi, September 2011
22 Outline Brief presentation of CILSS/AGRHYMET Monitoring and Early Warning Challenges Future prospects Partnerships
3 Brief presentation of CILSS/AGRHYMET CILSSCILSS: The Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel Created in 1973 by the Heads of States of 9 Sahelian countries Mandate: Food security (drought risk management, poverty reduction) Natural resources management, desertification control, water resources management, climate change adaptation Main statutory institutional instances Summit of the Heads of States /Governments every 2 year Council of ministers, twice a year Regional Programming and Monitoring Board, twice a year
4 Brief presentation of CILSS/AGRHYMET CILSS: 9 member countries Cape Verde, Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad. Headquarters in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Policy development and support 2 specialized institutions INSAH : in Bamako, Mali Coordinate agricultural research AGRHYMET: in Niamey, Niger Information and Training Since December 2006, MoU with ECOWAS to extend activities to all West African Countries (food crisis and other natural disaster prevention and management, natural resources management, desertification control and population and development research
5 AGRHYMET Data and Information Flow Agriculture Hydrology Animal Husbandry Meteorology Crop protection AGRHYMET DATA COLLECTION AND STORAGE Agriculture Hydrology Animal husbandry Meteorology Crop protection Countries ANALYSIS DIFFUSION TRAINING Satellite Data Ground Observations and Surveys Data Partners Financial and Technical assistance Data and Information
6 Monitoring and Early Warning Early Warning and Food Crisis Prevention –Seasonal rainfall forecast (PRESAO), –Monitoring the progress of sowing performance (Field data and Agrometeorological models), –Monitoring the locust situation (Rainfall maps + Vegetation Indices), –Yield forecasting (Agrometeorological models), –Identifying risk zones (Synthesis of all the products), –Joint pre-harvest assessment missions in the field, –Annual consultative meeting in Early November, –Targeting vulnerable populations.
7 Rainfall analysis : Ground measurements Monitoring and Early Warning
8 Rainfall analysis: Satellite Estimation Monitoring and Early Warning
9 Sowing dates Yield forecasts Crop Water Requirement Satisfaction Index Monitoring and Early Warning Crop monitoring and yield forecasting (DHC model)
10 Vegetation indices Monitoring and Early Warning
31 st July st August 2009 Vegetation indices (NGI) Monitoring and Early Warning
12 Vegetation indices Monitoring and Early Warning Moa Magaria
13 Vegetation indices / VGI profiles 2011 Monitoring and Early Warning Tillabéri / Niger Dakoro / Niger
Synthesis maps Monitoring and Early Warning
15 Monthly and special bulletins AGRHYMET Newsletter Annual Report for the general public Radio and TV programs in member countries Internet ( & Web portal: Etc. Dissemination and Target audiences
Monthly Bulletins 16 Dissemination and Target audiences
Environmental Watch Bulletins 17 Dissemination and Target audiences
18 Challenges / Future Prospects Some challenges with Guinea coast countries (more humid climate) Need to upgrade monitoring tools and methods to those zones Cloud contamination of most vegetation monitoring products Establishment of national networks of users (AMESD) Capacity building at both regional and national levels (human resources, equipment) Derivation of other climate data from RS (surface temperatures, solar radiation, PET, soil moisture, etc…) and use as inputs to crop models AMESD / MESA, GMFS, etc…
Some Partnerships Technical –National technical services Meteorology, hydrology, agric. statistics, crop protection, agric. research, environmental agencies, universities etc…. –Regional River Basin Authorities, ACMAD, 2IE, CORAF/WECARD, ICRAF, –International WMO, FAO, WFP, FEWSNET, USGS, IRI, CIRAD, FCS, Env. CANADA, IRD, JRC, VITO, EARS, ICRISAT, UNESCO, WASCAL, Universities (Africa, America, Europe) Financial –EU, USAID, AfDB, BADEA, ECOWAS, France, Canada 19
20 Thank you for your attention
MOA Field Validation sNDVI
MAGARIA Field Validation sNDVI