Series: Is Jesus the Messiah? (CR14) Document: CR14-26 Page: 255 Lesson: 86 Date: Aug. 05, 2015
5. Locked-In Negative Volition toward Doctrine: Doctrinal intake is shut down due to apathy leading to wrong priorities that favor the details of life; antagonism and personality conflicts with member of the congregation; failure to use GAP; unresponsive to doctrine; disorientation to logistical grace; malfunction of faith-rest. 6. Blackout of the Soul: A vacuum in the soul that causes human viewpoint, human good, and evil to be sucking into the soul which corrupts the thought process with doctrines of demons. Total disorientation due to the influence of evil. 7. Scar Tissue of the Soul: The buildup of false doctrines in the soul which shuts down any recall of doctrine. The rate of forgetting exceeds the rate of recall. Vocabulary is diminished, norms and standards degenerate, momentum halts; and wisdom is lost; all spiritual functions shut down. 8. Reverse Process Reversionism: The total influence of evil and divorcement from reality. What was previously considered right is now considered to be wrong and vice versa. It is the status quo of unrestrained and perpetual sinfulness, fragmentation, and excessive cosmic involvement. The believer is brainwashed by satanic propaganda. The Advanced Stages of Reversionism Adapted from: R. B. Thieme, Jr., “Stages of Reversionism,” in Reversionism, 2d ed. (Houston: R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries, 2000), 29−39. © 2000 by R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries. All rights reserved.
BLACKOUT OF THE SOUL IGNORANCE SCAR TISSUE OF THE SOUL SENSUALITY MATAIOTĒS Walk no longer just as the Gentiles walk, in the futility ( mataiotēs ) of their mind, being darkened (blackout of the soul) in their understanding, excluded from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart; and they, having become callous (scar tissue of the soul), have given themselves over to sensuality for the practice of every kind of impurity with greediness. But you did not learn Christ in this way. (Eph. 4:17-20, NASB ) © 2013 by Joe Griffin Media Ministries. All rights reserved.
COSMIC SYSTEMS: THE ARROGANCE COMPLEX Attitude: Mental attitude sins motivate the functional categories of the cosmic systems. Negative Volition: Passive study of the Bible but with no intent of applying its doctrines. Authority: Rejection of duly appointed authority or abuse of power when in positions of authority. Self-righteous: The conversion of moral standards into a system for salvation or divine blessings. Sexual: Self-gratification in which sex is ritual without reality & a frantic search for happiness. Criminal: An insolent attitude that unlawfully disregards the rights, privacy, or property of others. Psychopathic: Subjectivity produces distorted thinking that creates a fantasy world in the soul. Unhappiness: Frustration creates a martyr complex & a desire to control others to get their way. Iconoclastic: The attempt to destroy a revered person when he doesn’t live up to expectations. Rational & Irrational: Intellectual rejection of the Bible & emotional revolt against the Bible. Christian Service: Efforts to perform good deeds & impress God minus the filling of the Holy Spirit. Client Nation: When a majority of believers reject the laws of divine establishment & Bible doctrine. Adapted from: R. B. Thieme, Jr., Christian Integrity, 3d ed. (Houston: R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries, 2002), 178 ‒ 82.
COSMIC SYSTEMS: THE HATRED COMPLEX The Sin Nature: Genetically inherited trends that tempt man to commit sin & oppose doctrine. Negative Volition: Propensity to attack all things biblical & aggressively oppose God & Christ. Degeneration: Disorganized evil in which loss of thought results in having no restraint on one’s decisions and taking no responsibility for one’s actions. Antiestablishment: Opposition to the Divine Institutions, hatred of all systems of authority, & opposition to those in authority. Demonism: Demon possession of a few manipulates the thinking of the many through demon influence. Promotes political correctness, multiculturalism, & redistribution of wealth. Cosmic Panaceas: Philosophies & ideologies that sustain the Long March through institutions by propagandizing the benighted into accepting the false premise of human equality. Religion: Man by man’s efforts to gain approbation from God. This system of anti-grace emphasizes Christian service over the work of Christ & the power of God’s Word. Anthropocentric Academic Speculation: Adherence to hypotheses & theories that dismiss the Bible as the absolute source of truth, e.g., socialism, global warming, the Big Bang, & Keynesianism. Evil: Lucifer’s system of good and evil that strives to create a man-made millennium by the exclusion of divine viewpoint. Adapted from: R. B. Thieme, Jr., Christian Integrity, 3d ed. (Houston: R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries, 2002,