Coal Power By: Julia Buniak & Kaitlyn Vargo
History The French begin mining coal on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia at the Sydney coalfield. By 1720, Canada’s first commercial coal mine begins production at Cow Bay, Nova Scotia to supply the fortress at Louisbourg as well as New England. The first coal is exported to Boston in Approximately 100 mines open in the Sydney area over the next 200 years, with peak production occurring during the 1940s. Cumulative coal production from the Sydney area is greater than the rest of Nova Scotia combined. The first of three deposits on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, the Suquash Deposit, begins production, which lasts until Two others follow: the Nanaimo deposit, which is mined from 1853 to 1953, and the Comox deposit which produces from 1888 to Surface mines around the city of Edmonton continue to produce thermal coal which accounts for approximately 50 per cent of Alberta's electrical power. Coal mining in Colchester County, Nova Scotia begins at the Debert-Kemptown coalfield of Colchester County, Nova Scotia and continues until The Coal Branch rail line in west-central Alberta is opened to serve the coal produced from Mercoal, Coalspur, Edson, and Hinton. The coal industry in the area suffers a decline after 1945 when oil becomes the preferred fuel, but is rejuvenated somewhat after 1968 when an open pit metallurgical coal mine is opened southwest of Edson and contracts are secured for low-sulphur thermal coal. Currently, seven major mines operate in Alberta, primarily in the central plains region. They produce between 30 and 35 million tonnes of coal annually, used mainly to generate electricity. Seven mines operate in British Columbia, five of which are in the southeastern part of the province, producing approximately 27 million tonnes per year.
Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages- Coal can be found in lots of places in the world. Coal can easily be transported to power stations. Coal is a relatively cheap energy source. Disadvantages- Burning coal produces polluting gases like sulphur dioxide which make acid rain. Of all energy sources, burning coal releases the most greenhouse gases which may add to global warming. To dig up coal, we have to create mines which can be dangerous and not very nice to look at. Transporting coal by lorry and train from the mine to the power station causes pollution. Coal is a non-renewable source and will run out in about 100 years. Coal miners can be affected by black lung disease or pneumoconiosis and also emphysema if they breathe in too much of the coal dust.
How it Works 1.Coal burns 2.Heats water 3.Water turns to steam 4.Steams turns the turbine 5.The turbine turns the generator 6.The generator produces electricity.
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