Wordskills Unit 2. Agon contest or struggle Agony- agon (struggle) y(result of) Agony- agon (struggle) y(result of) Antagonist- anti(against) agon(struggle)


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Presentation transcript:

Wordskills Unit 2

Agon contest or struggle Agony- agon (struggle) y(result of) Agony- agon (struggle) y(result of) Antagonist- anti(against) agon(struggle) ist(one who) Antagonist- anti(against) agon(struggle) ist(one who) Protagonist- proto(first) agon(struggle) ist(one who) Protagonist- proto(first) agon(struggle) ist(one who)

Baro weight, pressure Barometer- baro(pressure) meter(measure) Barometer- baro(pressure) meter(measure) Barograph- baro(pressure) graph(write, record) Barograph- baro(pressure) graph(write, record) Baritone- baro(pressure) ton(sound) Baritone- baro(pressure) ton(sound)

Cereb brain Cerebellum- cere(brain) Cerebellum- cere(brain)  part that controls voluntary movement, posture, equilibrium (balance) Cerebral- cere(brain) al(pertaining to) Cerebral- cere(brain) al(pertaining to) Cerebrate- cere(brain) ate(make, cause) Cerebrate- cere(brain) ate(make, cause)  to think

Clam (claim) shout, cry out Clamor- clam(shout) or(state, quality) Clamor- clam(shout) or(state, quality) Exclamatory- ex(out) clam(shout) ory(pertaining to) Exclamatory- ex(out) clam(shout) ory(pertaining to) Proclamation- pro(forth, forward) clam(shout) ation(act of) Proclamation- pro(forth, forward) clam(shout) ation(act of)

Clar clear Clarify- clar(clear) fy(make) Clarify- clar(clear) fy(make) Declare- de(down, from) clar(clear) Declare- de(down, from) clar(clear) Clairvoyant- clair(clear) voy(see) ant (one who) Clairvoyant- clair(clear) voy(see) ant (one who)

Cosm world, universe, order Cosmic- cosm(universe) ic(related to) Cosmic- cosm(universe) ic(related to) Cosmonaut- cosm(universe) naut(sail) Cosmonaut- cosm(universe) naut(sail) Cosmopolitan- cosm(world) polit(city) an(pertaining to) Cosmopolitan- cosm(world) polit(city) an(pertaining to)  having international sophistication and experience; common to the world; not local or limited

Doc (doct) teach Doctor- doct(teach) or(one who) Doctor- doct(teach) or(one who) Docile- doc(teach) ile(capable of being) Docile- doc(teach) ile(capable of being) Indoctrinate- in(in, into) doct(teach) ate(make, cause) Indoctrinate- in(in, into) doct(teach) ate(make, cause)

Err wander, stray Error- err(wander, stray) or(that which) Error- err(wander, stray) or(that which) Erratic- err(wander, stray) ic(related to) Erratic- err(wander, stray) ic(related to)  having no fixed course Aberration- ab(away from) err(wander, stray) ation(act of) Aberration- ab(away from) err(wander, stray) ation(act of)  abnormality

Foli leaf Foliage-foli(leaf) age(result, process) Foliage-foli(leaf) age(result, process) Exfoliate- ex( out) foli(leaf) ate(make, cause) Exfoliate- ex( out) foli(leaf) ate(make, cause)  to peel in small flakes like leaves or skin Portfolio- port(carry) foli(leaf) Portfolio- port(carry) foli(leaf)  device for carrying “leaves” of work, materials

Gest carry, bear Gestation- gest(carry) ation(act of) Gestation- gest(carry) ation(act of) Digest- di(through) gest(carry) Digest- di(through) gest(carry) Gesticulate- gest(carry) ate(make, cause)= producing movement Gesticulate- gest(carry) ate(make, cause)= producing movement

Holo whole Holistic- holo(whole) ic(related to) Holistic- holo(whole) ic(related to) holocaust- holo(whole) caust(burn) holocaust- holo(whole) caust(burn)  wholesale destruction; complete burning Holograph- holo(whole) graph(write) Holograph- holo(whole) graph(write)  wholly in handwriting of one who signs it

Idio peculiar, private(unknown), distinct Idiot- idio(private) Idiot- idio(private)  originally, a private citizen; one unaware of public events Idiom- idio(peculiar Idiom- idio(peculiar  an expression that is peculiar to a language and cannot be translated literally, such as “kick the bucket,” meaning “to die” Idiosyncrasy- idio(peculiar) syn(together) krasis(mix) y(result of) = mental or physical characteristics which are peculiar to an individual Idiosyncrasy- idio(peculiar) syn(together) krasis(mix) y(result of) = mental or physical characteristics which are peculiar to an individual

Lex word, law Lexicology- lex(word) ology(study of) Lexicology- lex(word) ology(study of) Lexophobia- lex(word) phobia(fear of) Lexophobia- lex(word) phobia(fear of)  fear of reading Lex non scripta- lex(law) non(not) script(written) Lex non scripta- lex(law) non(not) script(written)  Unwritten law, common law

Mar sea Mariner- mar(sea) er(one who) Mariner- mar(sea) er(one who) Submarine- sub(under) mar(sea) ine(pertaining to) Submarine- sub(under) mar(sea) ine(pertaining to) Maritime- maritimus(sea) Maritime- maritimus(sea)  Located near the sea; concerned with navigation or shipping

Oste (osteo) bone Osteoarthritis- osteo(bone) arthr(joint) it is(inflammation) Osteoarthritis- osteo(bone) arthr(joint) it is(inflammation) Osteoporosis- osteo(bone) por(pore, opening) osis(disease) Osteoporosis- osteo(bone) por(pore, opening) osis(disease) Osteotomy- osteo(bone) tomy(cut) Osteotomy- osteo(bone) tomy(cut)

Petr stone, rock Petroleum- petr(rock) oleum(oil) Petroleum- petr(rock) oleum(oil) Petrify- petr(rock, stone) fy(make) Petrify- petr(rock, stone) fy(make) Peter- petr(rock) Peter- petr(rock)

Ple (plen, plet) fill, full Plenty- ple(full) y (result of) Plenty- ple(full) y (result of) Complement- com(with) ple(fill) ment (result) Complement- com(with) ple(fill) ment (result) Deplete- de (down, from) plet (fill) Deplete- de (down, from) plet (fill)

Popul people Popular- popul (people) ar(pertaining to) Popular- popul (people) ar(pertaining to) Depopulate- de(down) popul(people) ate (make or cause) Depopulate- de(down) popul(people) ate (make or cause) Vox populi- vox (voice) popul(people) Vox populi- vox (voice) popul(people)  “Voice of the people” or popular opinion

Pyro fire Pyre- pyr(fire) Pyre- pyr(fire) Pyrogenic- pyro(fire) gen(start, begin) ic(related to) Pyrogenic- pyro(fire) gen(start, begin) ic(related to) Pyrophobia- pyro(fire) phobia(fear of) Pyrophobia- pyro(fire) phobia(fear of)

Schiz split, divide Schism- schiz(split) Schism- schiz(split)  Division in the church because of difference in doctrine Schizophrenia- schiz(split) phrenia(mind) Schizophrenia- schiz(split) phrenia(mind)  Mental illness Schizogenesis- schiz(split) gen(start) sis(process) Schizogenesis- schiz(split) gen(start) sis(process)  Reproduction by fission

Sol alone Solo- sol(alone) Solo- sol(alone) Desolate- de(down, from) sol(alone) ate(characterized by) Desolate- de(down, from) sol(alone) ate(characterized by) Soliloquy- sol(alone) loquy(talk) Soliloquy- sol(alone) loquy(talk)

Sol sun Solar- sol(sun) ar(related to) Solar- sol(sun) ar(related to) Solarium- sol(sun) arium(place where) Solarium- sol(sun) arium(place where) Parasol- para(near, beside) sol(sun) Parasol- para(near, beside) sol(sun)

Ten (tenu) thin Tenuous- tenu(thin) ous(full of) Tenuous- tenu(thin) ous(full of)  Having little substance; weak Attenuate- at(very) tenu(thin) ate(make) Attenuate- at(very) tenu(thin) ate(make)  To reduce or weaken Extenuate- ex(out) tenu(thin) ate(make) Extenuate- ex(out) tenu(thin) ate(make)  To reduce in seriousness with excuses

Tom (tomy) cut Atom- a(not) tom(cut) Atom- a(not) tom(cut) Anatomy- ana(apart, through) tomy(cut) Anatomy- ana(apart, through) tomy(cut) Dichotomy- dicho ( two) tomy(cut) Dichotomy- dicho ( two) tomy(cut)

Vict (vinc) conquer, show conclusively Victor- vict(conquer) or(one who) Victor- vict(conquer) or(one who) Convince- con(with) vinc (show conclusively) Convince- con(with) vinc (show conclusively) Invincible- in(not) vinc(conquer) ible (able) Invincible- in(not) vinc(conquer) ible (able)