The Federal Government Chapter 6 The Federal Government
Federal Government and Education 10% of public school budgets come from federal money Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Stimulus Bill) gave more money to education
History of Education Events leading up to school reform Worried schools did not have enough funding to support increasing student population as a result of the baby boom Low Literacy After WWII Sputnik (1957)
National Defense Education Act (NDEA) 1958 Science Information Services (under Nation Science Foundation) Student loan program Funding for science education in elementary and secondary schools Funding for math and foreign language* programs Graduate fellowships
Importance of Coleman Report Civil Rights (1964)/ Coleman Report (1979) Two Concepts of Equal Educational Opportunity 1) Educational inputs (facilities, teachers, materials, Curriculum) 2) Educational outputs (the growth in achievement in basic skills and acquisition of knowledge) Importance of Coleman Report 1) no relationship between school achievement and input measures 2) data showed student achievement was affected by student background 3) became the model for social research
A Nation at Risk (1983) 4 Recommendations 1) Core Curriculum for High School Students 2) Raise Standards and Expectations (Standardized Assessment Test & High Admission Requirement for College) 3) More Efficient Time in School 4) Higher Standards for Teacher Preparation More responsibility for administrators and school leadership
Goals 2000: Educate America Act (1994) Content Standards Standards-based Curriculum 8 Goals for Education 1) Literacy 2) School Readiness 3) School Completion 4) School Safety 5) Leadership in Math and Science 6) Competencies 7) Parental Involvement 8) Teacher Professional Development
Creating National Skill Standards What teacher should know and be able to do in the 21st Century Multiple Organizations came together to create Foreign Language Standards (ACTFL, 1993) 5 Cs Communication Cultures Connections Comparisons Communities States could interpret and create own standards
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) 2001 States receiving federal funding must be be reviewed by State Standards and Assessment System Increase accountability of education system Pressure on all levels of schooling IDEA was revised to meet NCLB Students with special needs now need to be accounted for in standardized testing
Teacher Preparation Programs and Standards Carnegie Corporation of New York’s report suggested: Standards for what teachers should know and be able to do Standardized assessment to see that teachers meet the standards National Board of Professional Teaching Standard was created to develop standards for certification. States also have standards Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) gave federal money to teacher preparation programs
Teacher Preparation Programs (continued) Program Accreditation National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) supervises Structure program to meet standards Collect evidence and report to council for evaluation Granted Accreditation, Accreditation with Conditions, or Not Accredited.
September 11, 2001 International Education Increase awareness of cultures Federal money Eastern Languages in Schools (Arabic and Chinese)