Key concepts & principles of assessment
What is Assessment ? Assessment for Learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide: where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there Assessment Reform Group 2002
Why is it used? To measure whether the learner has achieved the learning goal, which today is: to understand the Key concepts & principles of assessment and complete !
List the different types of assessment(what) In pairs: write all the different types of assessment carried out in class on stickies and place on board.
List the assessment characteristics (what it achieves)9.1.3 Next to the type of assessment say why it is used – what does it achieve.
Assessment is divided into two main types:
Summative assessment is generally carried out at the end of a course or project. In an educational setting, summative assessments are typically used to assign students a course grade. Summative assessments are evaluative.
Formative assessment Formative assessment is generally carried out throughout a course or project. Formative assessment, also referred to as "educative assessment," is used to aid learning. In an educational setting, formative assessment might be a teacher (or peer) or the learner, providing feedback on a student's work, and would not necessarily be used for grading purposes. Formative assessments are diagnostic
Re-arrange the stickies into the two groups
How do teachers/TA’s assess? In your group write on a flip chart which types of assessment is used for either a teacher, learner or TA, Why are these forms used? Are they summative or formative? Explain the importance and benefits of each type of assessment Report back to group.
9.1.5 How can assessment contribute to planning for future learning. Each group describe one of the following: A. by the teacher B. by the learners C. by the TA
Learning outcome Do you understand the key concepts and principles of assessment? Quiz: 1.Can you define assessment? 2.What are summative and formative assessment? 3.Why is it important in teaching? 4.Will you change how you assess your teaching?