Do the work – you will succeed! Best way to reach me is through Kaplan system – I check it everyday, you should too! Lots of help available to you – we will talk about accessing it.
Live Mantachie, MS.–east of Tupelo, MS. Married to my wonderful wife Nickey 18+ yr. veteran police officer –Tupelo PD – Education- BS Criminal Justice University of MS., MS Social Justice and Criminology Delta State University Know where you are coming from, I went back to school while working full-time. Teaching at Kaplan since 2010.
Check into the course home page frequently for Announcements also check your often for Announcements
The Doc Share tab has an abundance of information about your class
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CRIME SCENE PHOTOGRAPHY Second Edition by Edward M. Robinson. Published: FEB-2010 ISBN 13: Imprint: ACADEMIC PRESSACADEMIC PRESS
Seminar schedule – 10 minutes for Q&A – 40 minutes of topics – 10 minutes for more Q&A and wrap up – We use the entire hour! – Private Chat – Please avoid side conversations – off topic
Can’t make it? Alternate Assignment 300 – 500 word essay answering seminar topics Submit through “Doc Sharing” me so that I know you submitted it – do the same if you ever have to turn in something late. Your answer; not those given in the transcript Grammar is graded in alternates (not in actual seminar)
Have to leave mid-way through? Click on my name for “Private Chat” during Seminar I’ll let you know your grade based upon your participation It is your “call” whether to complete the alternate or not if you have to leave very early or if you miss Seminar.
My “office” is AOL Instant Messenger No; can’t use Yahoo or other messengers; Kaplan policy AIM Name = timclouse Office Hours – Sundays 8-10PM ET = It is always best to me – I check it everyday. “Virtual Office”
Camera Obscura 1038 A.D. Used to view the Sun Make sketches
1. Len 2. Lenses and Curved Mirrors 3. Diaphragm
Joseph Niepce 1826
1844 Fox Talbot Calotype Paper Negative
1859 U. S. Supreme Court Luco v. U. S. Photographs may be used as the original documents
Great Debate Reverend Hannibal Goodwin Applied for patent in 1887 awarded 1898 Eastman (1890)
1930 Flash Bulb invented Pro’s Con’s
X-Rays must be original Photographic Reproduction Accurate Enough to assist Without misleading jury
United States supreme Court takes "judicial cognizanc" that photography is a proper means for reproducing a likeness of an original.
Must be Relevant Must be Material Must be fair Must be accurate Representation
Read Chapters 2 and 3 of your text Crime Scene Photography Review key terms Attend the weekly seminar Respond to the discussion board Complete Expository Essay Take quiz
Have a good night. See you next week. Thanks