LO: I will strengthen what I know about how to do well in the mock exam This PowerPoint will be going on to Moodle in the GCSE section.
DiRT Directed Reflection Time
The mock exam … 1 ½ hours to complete the paper. Answer four out of six questions. Each question has five parts to it. You must answer each part. Each question is out of 18. The total marks to be awarded for the paper is additional marks will be awarded at the end for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. The best of the four part e. answers (FARP) will be selected and included in the total.
The units covered so far: Religion and Life Issues Religion and Animal Rights Religion and Early life Religion and Prejudice Religion, War and Peace Religion and Young People Religious Philosophy and Ultimate questions The existence of God Revelation The problem of evil and suffering Immortality Note: You don’t know which six units will come up in the exam, so you will have to revise EVERYTHING! We will cover the topic on Miracles after the mock. This will not be in the mock exam.
Strengthen what I know – AO1 Explain arguments for and against reincarnation (4 marks) June 2012 paper. TASK: Write the success criteria for answering this question. E.g. 0 marks = Nothing relevant or worthy of credit 1 mark = 2 marks = 3 marks = 4 marks =
Strengthen what I know – AO1 Explain arguments for and against reincarnation (4 marks) June 2012 paper. TASK: Write the success criteria for answering this question. 0 marks = Nothing relevant or worthy of credit 1 mark = Something relevant or worthy of credit 2 marks = Elementary knowledge and understanding e.g. two simple points 3 marks = Sound knowledge and understanding 4 marks = A clear knowledge and understanding with some development / or analysis Elementary = Basic Sound = Healthy / strong / solid Development = More detail / build upon Analysis = Survey / explore / Cover everything Elementary = Basic Sound = Healthy / strong / solid Development = More detail / build upon Analysis = Survey / explore / Cover everything
Strengthen what I know – AO1 Explain arguments for and against reincarnation (4 marks) June 2012 paper. TASK: Write the success criteria for answering this question. 0 marks = Nothing important 1 mark = Simple point 2 marks = Little knowledge – Two simple points 3 marks = Knows his stuff 4 marks = Solid answer - Covers everything Now answer the question. Aim for 4 marks. Use page to help
Plenary Write down 3 tips to share with another student about how to best answer A01 questions
Practise AO1 Religion and Life Issues Religion and Animal Rights Religion and Early life Religion and Prejudice Religion, War and Peace Religion and Young People Religious Philosophy and Ultimate questions The existence of God Revelation The problem of evil and suffering Immortality Go through the textbooks. Pick two other examples of AO1 (4-6 marks) questions and write answers into your books. You can choose the question and the topic.
Study tip
Remember Bring both textbooks to every lesson for the rest of this term.