Dr Gordon Russell, Napier University Unit SQL 3 - V2.0 1 Multi-Choice help
Dr Gordon Russell, Napier University Unit SQL 3 - V2.02 Multiple Choice - HOWTO The first diet exam for databases is often a Multiple Choice exam paper. The second diet (the resit paper) is more usually a written paper. However, be prepared for either multiple choice or a written paper. It should not affect your study method, and if it does you are doing something wrong. Here are a couple of useful guides to a successful multiple-choice exam Look at each question in turn Score out answers on the question sheet which are obviously wrong Do not be afraid of going onto the next question if no single correct answer can be selected immediately Read each question CAREFULLY. Are you selecting a TRUE answer or a FALSE answer from the options? Try not to revisit answers before attempting all the other questions.
Dr Gordon Russell, Napier University Unit SQL 3 - V2.03 The Answer Sheet There are many different answer sheets in use. There are many different answer sheets in use. Follow the instructions provided with the exam you are sitting. Follow the instructions provided with the exam you are sitting. If in doubt as the invigilator. If in doubt as the invigilator. The most basic answer sheet and its method of use is documented in your notes. Use this format to answer the mock test in your notes. The most basic answer sheet and its method of use is documented in your notes. Use this format to answer the mock test in your notes. Try the mock test – give yourself 30 minutes. Try the mock test – give yourself 30 minutes. I will go over the test with you at a later date. I will go over the test with you at a later date. In past papers you will see references to REASON/ASSERTION question – these are NO LONGER USED in your exams, but a tutorial and some examples exist in the notes and in past papers. In past papers you will see references to REASON/ASSERTION question – these are NO LONGER USED in your exams, but a tutorial and some examples exist in the notes and in past papers.