Interviewing Tips Competing against the equally- qualified to get the job
Points to Ponder What to do before What to do before What to wear What to wear What to wear What to wear What not to do What not to do What not to do What not to do What to do What to do
Preparation--1 Obtain a copy of the job description. Obtain a copy of the job description. Use employer information to gather information (annual reports, employee handbooks, policy statements, and employee newsletters) on the organization. Use employer information to gather information (annual reports, employee handbooks, policy statements, and employee newsletters) on the organization. Locate the employer's home page on the Internet. Locate the employer's home page on the Internet. Conduct informational interviews with persons in similar positions to learn about the career field and how your skills may apply. Conduct informational interviews with persons in similar positions to learn about the career field and how your skills may apply.
Preparation (2) Use Dacus Library to research current articles about the organization (check the Wall Street Journal, Barrons, Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, and trade publications). Use Dacus Library to research current articles about the organization (check the Wall Street Journal, Barrons, Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, and trade publications). Develop a list of appropriate questions that reflect your research. Develop a list of appropriate questions that reflect your research. Be sure to know the culture of the country where you are interviewing. U.S. employers are expecting you to articulate your future career goals and past accomplishments. They are assessing you according to American values such as self-confidence, initiative, directness, and individualism. Be sure to know the culture of the country where you are interviewing. U.S. employers are expecting you to articulate your future career goals and past accomplishments. They are assessing you according to American values such as self-confidence, initiative, directness, and individualism.
Preparation--3 Mock interviews Mock interviews Practice Practice Develop “sound bites” Develop “sound bites” Dress rehearsal Dress rehearsal
What to Wear Professional, not social wear Professional, not social wear Professional, not TV Professional wear Professional, not TV Professional wear Scents Scents Shoes Shoes Jewelry Jewelry Hair Hair Tattoos Tattoos Personal electronics Personal electronics
What to Take With You Leave pager and cell phone in the car Leave pager and cell phone in the car Carry some kind of business case or padfolio—no briefcase. Small purse. Carry some kind of business case or padfolio—no briefcase. Small purse. Extra copies of resume Extra copies of resume Something to write on and write with Something to write on and write with Kleenex Kleenex Ladies: extra hose? Ladies: extra hose?
Questions You’ll Face Straight questions (yes/no, short answer, fact- based); check out a list of common interview questions or another list with answers Straight questions (yes/no, short answer, fact- based); check out a list of common interview questions or another list with answerslist of common interview questions another list with answerslist of common interview questions another list with answers Behavioral interviewing (here’s a list of possible questions) Behavioral interviewing (here’s a list of possible questions)here’s a list of possible questions)here’s a list of possible questions) Case interviewing (actual cases used by the Bain corporation) Case interviewing (actual cases used by the Bain corporation) Case interviewing Case interviewing
When do you show up? At the parking lot—fifteen to twenty minutes early At the parking lot—fifteen to twenty minutes early At the receptionist’s desk—five minutes early At the receptionist’s desk—five minutes early Never, never, never late Never, never, never late
How do you start? Good handshake (and of course clean nails and good breath) Good handshake (and of course clean nails and good breath) Make eye contact Make eye contact Good posture Good posture Project enthusiasm and positivity Project enthusiasm and positivity Listen carefully Listen carefully
If these go well…. Team interviews Team interviews Site visits Site visits Airport interviews Airport interviews Meals Meals
Questions You Should Ask Informational questions (See the College Grad page) Informational questions (See the College Grad page)College GradCollege Grad Strategic questions Strategic questions Career track questions Career track questions
Questions Not To Ask Salary questions Salary questions Benefit questions (See Venturi Staffing's 25 Worst Interview Mistakes) Benefit questions (See Venturi Staffing's 25 Worst Interview Mistakes)Venturi Staffing's 25 Worst Interview MistakesVenturi Staffing's 25 Worst Interview Mistakes
After the Interview Get contact information before you leave Get contact information before you leave Send the thank-you note the same day! (Handwritten, blue or blue-black ink on professional informals) Send the thank-you note the same day! (Handwritten, blue or blue-black ink on professional informals)thank-you note professional informalsthank-you note professional informals Follow up Follow up Find out what you could do better if you didn’t get the job Find out what you could do better if you didn’t get the job