Cyber Security Level 8. Hey Everybody! My name is Tek. I ’ m going to be your guide today! I ’ m a part of i-SAFE America, and we are concerned with helping.


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Presentation transcript:

Cyber Security Level 8

Hey Everybody! My name is Tek. I ’ m going to be your guide today! I ’ m a part of i-SAFE America, and we are concerned with helping you to be safe online. We want you to recognize and avoid dangerous, destructive or unlawful online behavior, and we hope to empower you to communicate what you learn from i- SAFE with others.

All right – Let’s talk Empowerment Remember - Empowerment means you own what you learn and can use it to teach others and make a difference.

So not only are you learning and sharing, you are getting rewarded for doing so! i-SAFE includes an empowerment activity in every lesson. By completing the activity you may be eligible for neat incentives and prizes. Check it out at – Click on the link to contests and Incentives. Empowerment is the Key to Learning!

The Plan For this lesson you will be learning about cyber security. You will be completing a KEWL chart to evaluate what you know, want to know, need to know, and have learned!

KEWL Stands for what we KNOW Stands for Expanding our knowledge Stands for What we want to learn Stands for Leading others in Learning

KEWL Chart – Cyber Security K Know E Expand Knowledge W What was Learned L Lead others in Learning KEWL Chart – Cyber Security This is what the chart looks like. You can copy it on your paper. You can also complete it as a class on an overhead

All Right – Let’s Get Started First we brainstorm!!!

What do we know about viruses, worms and Trojan horses? List your answers in the K column of the chart. This column forms a foundation of what you currently know about harmful viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. Hopefully you are somewhat familiar with viruses and able to give basic information. Sample questions and answers: Q. What is a virus? What is a computer virus?

Ok – so now that we have figured out what we know – time to find out what else we need to know! This information goes in the expanding your knowledge column

Expand Your Knowledge Where is your knowledge lacking? What more do you feel you should know about viruses, worms, and Trojan horses to protect yourselves and your computers? Sample questions to go in this column: 1.How can I prevent getting my computer “sick”? 2.What are worms? 3.What are Trojan horses? 4.Why should I care?

Teacher’s choice: For a classroom with computers, return to the Cyber Community folder on the CD and select HTML Activities. Follow the link: “Begin Here”. When complete, continue here with Slide 15 to finish the chart. Otherwise – let’s continue on

Now it’s time to learn a little about and malicious code All right – let’s get into groups. Your teacher will divide you up for our next activity.

Group Directions 1.Each group should have the activity pages which describe etiquette and virus terms, and the mock scenario. 2.In your small groups, read and discuss the information on computer viruses and malicious code. 3.After you have read over and discussed the material, each group should come to a consensus on what they believe is the correct answer to the scenario they have.

Ok – Returning to our Chart Hmmm, What comes next? Oh yes, What have we learned about security???

What have we learned? Now that we have covered viruses, worms, and Trojan horses, what have you learned from your information sheet and the scenarios. Check the “what you want to know” questions to ensure you have answered them all! Sample question and answer: Q. What do we know worms, viruses, and Trojan horses? A. Viruses can be gained by downloading attachments. Worms affect computer networks. It isn’t safe to download items on the Internet without proof – they can be Trojan horses.

And Last, but not Least We have to come up with some empowerment activities. This means brainstorming how we can help others learn about security.

Leading Others in Learning This section allows you to identify ways to own the knowledge you have learned. By spreading knowledge to others, you continue your own learning. In this column brainstorm ways to spread knowledge. Sample questions and answers: Q. How can we spread what we have learned? A. Talk to parents about what learned. Give presentations to others, design posters, incorporate peer-to-peer communication.

One Last Activity Just a fun exercise to review all we have learned – your teacher has copies of a crossword puzzle for you to complete. It’s a fun way to make sure you’ve got it all down pat!

All right – Everyone Finished? Good! I hope you’ve learned something today about using wisely and preventing the spread of malicious code. Now let’s see if we’re finished.

So How Do you Know When You’re Done? Have you: 1. Read the information sheets and completed your scenarios? 2. Shared your scenario and answer with your class? 3. Discussed as a class what you have learned about security? 4. Completed the KEWL chart? 5. Completed the Crossword puzzle 6. Checked out the Contests and Incentives link at

It doesn’t have to end here! Find out about DRiVE!

Take Action It’s Easy with the i-Mentor Training Network! The i-Mentor Training Network has short informative videos that will take you step by step through the process of accomplishing any of the i-SAFE Outreach activities you can do in your school and community. To watch the videos go to the i-Mentor Network located in the Kids and Teens section of the i-SAFE website at Visit the Kids and Teens section at to learn about the i-Mentor Training Network. It’s all online!

Take Action It’s Easy with the i-Mentor Training Network! The i-Mentor Training Network videos were produced for students like you, who care about online safety and want to DRiVE the message to other students, parents, and community members. By watching the training videos you will become a Certified i-Mentor and will be able to teach students, conduct the i-SAFE assembly experience, or be that important link to parents and community leaders by presenting the i- Parent Programs and Community Leaders Meetings.

1.Enroll online at by clicking on Create an Account. 2.Go to the Kids and Teens Section and Submit the Online Mentor Menu. 3.Receive your own Student Toolkit and materials to get started. Get the recognition you deserve as an i-SAFE Mentor Take Action