Welcome to....... the Advertising and PR revision and exam preparation webinar 24 th May 2013 The webinar will start at 1.00pm. For this webinar, it won’t.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the Advertising and PR revision and exam preparation webinar 24 th May 2013 The webinar will start at 1.00pm. For this webinar, it won’t be possible to enable individuals to speak, but you can ask questions and make comments by utilising the chat area on the right hand of the screen. Please ensure that your computer’s internal speakers are switched on, or you have connected external speakers or headphones.

Welcome Your webinar presenter today is Anneke Edmonds Webinar content for today is: Advertising & PR revision Exam preparation Questions

Learning Outcomes: For both PR and Advertising modules: –Gain an overview of the syllabus –Learn how to prepare for the exam –To gain knowledge of feedback in the Senior Examiner’s Report –An understanding of the key future themes for exam questions

Advertising This module aims to provide candidates with knowledge and understanding of the function of advertising within the marketing mix, communications mix and society. This unit also aims to ensure that knowledge and understanding of the process of advertising, advertising planning and measuring effectiveness are in place.

The syllabus: Element 1 - The Context of Advertising (30%) Element 2 - Planning process and techniques (30%) Element 3 - Budgets/Controls/Measures (20%) Element 4 - Legal Aspects (20%) Study the entire syllabus, not just your favourite or easy bits!

Learning outcomes: –Explain the role and structure of advertising in the marketing mix, the communications mix and society –Explain the structure of the advertising industry and be able to identify the relationships between the advertiser, advertising agencies, suppliers (e.g. research, production) and media owners –Set appropriate advertising objectives, strategies and budgets –Plan strategies for creative and media execution –Describe the controls on advertising; social acceptability, legal controls and voluntary constraints, and be able to apply them to given advertisements –Recommend appropriate methods for measuring the effectiveness of advertising

The Advertising Exam 2 hour exam Split into 2 parts –Part A = Compulsory case study (50% of marks) –Part B = Select TWO from four questions (25% of marks per question) Students should spend an hour on Part A and an hour on Part B

Three steps to preparing for exam Simply put: –Study the theory –Learn how it can be applied in different contexts –Concentrate on communicating clearly in the given time (Dec 2012 Examiner’s Report)

Key areas of focus before the exam 1.Revision of the syllabus - remember that the focus is on advertising and advertising theory! 2.Mock exam paper – Will help you understand any areas you need to revise again. 3.Past exam papers - practice decoding and structuring ‘generic’ answers - remember to answer in ‘role’ 4.Handwriting - build up speed and accuracy 5.Report format - know when to start a new section, when to use bullet lists or diagrams, etc.

Just Answer the Question! Key command words to remember: –Define – ‘Explain, provide meaning for, make clear what is relevant’ –Describe – ‘Give an account in words, including all the relevant characteristics’ –Outline – ‘Give main features of’ –Explain – ‘Give details of, make plain, interpret and account for, give reasons for’ –Summarise – ‘Give concise account of the key points, omit examples and details’ –Evaluate – ‘Weigh arguments for and against something’ –Assess – ‘Decide the value of, judge, measure the importance of’ –Analyse – ‘Examine closely, examine in parts, show the parts contribute to the whole’ –Recommend – ‘Propose a course of action that is recommended as advisable supported with justified reasons’ –Compare – ‘Discuss two or more things in terms of their similarities and differences, perhaps reaching a conclusion about which is preferable.’

Weaknesses and common mistakes: Only a passing knowledge of advertising theory Candidates need to contextualise their answers When recommending a curse of action, reasons need to be given for that decision Answers need to be well structured Answering with less thank 8 lines, is unlikely to have the level of depth required by an examiner It is important to explain the meaning of terms before going on to answer the question Examiners will quickly be able to distinguish between a display of knowledge and guesswork (December 2012, Examiner’s Report)

Common Mistakes Time management – student who misses any tasks out (especially in Part A) will struggle to succeed in the exam Lack of application in answers Lack of examples in answers – try to include real-life examples Lack of context – ensure all answers are within the context given (B2B, B2C, FMCG, NFP etc). Lack of structure to the answer – try to avoid waffling as it will score you zero marks! Try to plan your answer first. Lack of word count for marks awarded – don’t write a two page answer for only 4 marks!

Common Mistakes Not knowing the sequences of basic management processes – agency selection, advert production etc. Not including theory – Make sure you include advertising theories where you can. Poor identification of what task addressing – make sure you label your work clearly Report format missing – Part A often requires report format and are easy marks to achieve. Not answering the question – make sure you address the question asked and not the question you want to be asked! Adhere to the command words too.

Recommend Answer Structure Define any key terms Explain theories behind the answers Contextualise the answer to the given questions Make any recommendations, ensuring reasons included. Start a new page for each new task Source: Senior Examiner Report June 2012

Alternative approaches: When addressing a task: –Usually there is no ‘right’ answer –Candidates should give their answer and, through reasoning, demonstrate that they have knowledge of the issue. –Where appropriate, use short sentences with single thoughts –Use sub-headings to break up answers (Examiner’s Report Dec. 2012)

Future themes The senior examiner identified the following future themes in Dec 2012 examiners report: –There will continue to be a case study with aspects of campaign planning within it –There will usually be a question (compulsory or optional) that contains some aspect of campaign evaluation –Digital media is growing and will become an increasing feature within the exam –The control of advertising (legal and voluntary) is likely to be a frequent topic –Production processes for broadcast and non-broadcast is likely to be a frequent topic –International aspects are likely to be a frequent topic

Useful websites Committee of Advertising Practicewww.cap.org.uk Office of Communications Radio Joint Audience Researchwww.ofcom.org.uk Advertising Standards Associationwww.asa.org.uk

PR Syllabus Overview

Key elements of the syllabus Element 1: Definitions, concepts and contexts (20%) Element 2: Media Relations (20%) Element 3: Specialist Areas of PR (20%) Element 4: Planning, Issues and Crises (20%) Element 5: In-house, consultancy, ethics and regulation (20%)

Key aims of the unit: –Developing, enhancing, defending and promoting an organisation or an individual's reputation –Supporting employee or internal communications –Assisting transactions, commercial or otherwise, of an organisation

Learning outcomes: –Discuss the various definitions of public relations and the varying ways in which PR is practiced in both a consultancy and in-house context –Demonstrate the ways in which self-regulation, legal frameworks and professional ethics apply to the practice of PR –Analyse a range of contemporary PR techniques and evaluation a range of situations under which they should be applied –Explain the various media channels (traditional and digital) available to a PR practitioner and be aware of how to communicate effectively with the media –Suggest appropriate PR action in relation to specific scenarios; including the ability to define publics, provide advice on timing and costings for plans –Illustrate the relevance of techniques for other allied disciplines, such as psychology, neuroscience, advertising, that are all being adopted and applied by the modern PR practitioner

Characteristics of PR Non paid method of communications - don’t purchase media space or airtime Decision on transmission lies with those in charge of media resource (not message sponsor) Management has less control over message content Usually carry greater creditability than those through paid media Low costs apart from agency costs Can be used to meet specific audiences that are hard to reach in mass media

Recommendations for improving performance: There is scope for candidates to improve and exhibit their mastery of different writing styles required in various scenarios –Practice answering a range of questions which require writing in a different tone or voice

Future themes The senior examiner identified the following future themes in June 2012 examiners report: –Integration of PR and social media will continue to be a future theme –Contemporary thinking around evaluation and measurement will be explored further –Legal and voluntary constraints governing the industry will be a key theme –Ethical issues facing the industry will also remain an important theme.

Future themes: The senior examiner identified the following future themes in Dec 2012 examiners report: –The compulsory Question One will continue to reflect contemporary PR issues –Evaluation and measurement, as well as the continued impact of social media, are key themes –Whilst media relations remain important, other aspects of PR also need to be understood by future candidates

Useful websites: Chartered Institute of Public Relations International Public Relations Association Public Relations Society of America PR Newswire - National Union of Journalists - Brand Republic - ASA regulations -

Exam technique on the day Time management – spread the workload over the time permitted (1 hour Q1, 30 minutes for each part B question Write a quick plan for each task – this can help with thought process and also if it is a borderline paper it may help you get through Don’t make answers too short or sufficient marks will not be awarded Make sure that there are no gaps in your syllabus knowledge. All the syllabus areas could be examined

What to take into the Exam CIM membership card & photographic ID (driving licence) Pens/pencils/eraser/rule Water A watch (you can’t use your phone as a timepiece)