Solution A Initial GUI Mockups Included are initial, draft mock ups of the Graphical User Interface being designed to support and enable Solution A Business Analyst May 3, 2010
Application Overview & Assumptions This is a web-based application that presents the user with their list of forms to be completed/uploaded. Solution is zero-footprint, which means the user will not have to install any software with the following assumptions: The user has an OS The user has a browser installed (IE 7 or above to be tested for initial phase, with goal to be compatible with Safari) The user has access to the Internet Forms presented to the User have an online signature feature enabled. User can save partially-completed forms. Only 1 form can be open at a time. Previously-entered data will serve to pre-populate like-fields in subsequent forms. User documents can be uploaded into the system. All forms can be viewed/previewed allowing the user to check for accuracy before signing each form. There is an acceptable level of user authentication incorporated into the login. 2
Application A Users>Details>1 st Forms Once the is sent, the user is returned to the application which is now displaying the user’s new folder. In this case, the docs now exist in the folder. The Status window on the left is updated to show the progression through the process milestones. A user can view a different person’s record by selecting a new user. 3
Selectee Application My Forms>Signing a Complete Form Selectee, when they click to sign a form the FIRST TIME, will be presented with a requirement to establish their authentication profile. They will select 5 security questions, and provide answers to each. From this point forward, each time they sign they will have to answer one of these 5 questions in random presentation order. 4
User Application Users>My Selectees To get a higher level view of caseload, the user can click the My Users tab. The table lists all users currently in progress, defaulted to show the user’s only. Columns can be sorted by clicking the heading. Filters for User Name can help a Specialist use this table to sort/view data in meaningful ways. Clicking the User Name or the # will open the Details tab for the select record. 5
Specialist Application Selectees>Project Complete Once the Selectee has been in-processed, their solution will remain in the system for 12 months from the date of solution. If the file is reopened at any time during that 12 months, the “delete” date in the file moves out to be 12 months past the date on which the file was last opened. There is a hard-delete date of 24 months past the original solution. 6