Mass the amount of material in an object can be determined by using a triple beam balance.
Triple Beam Balance
Mass vs. Weight Weight = mass x gravity Scale Measures weight Balance measures mass
Volume the amount of space that an object takes
Graduated Cylinder
Volume = l x w x h Make all measurements to the nearest tenth of a centimeter.
Nearest 1/10 cm
Water Displacement
Density Density= mass (g) / volume(mL) Units g/mL Or g/cm 3 DV M
x x = length width height volume mass density object (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm3)or(ml) (g) (g/cm3 or g/ml) cube 1 cube 2 Use water displacement to cube 2 find the volume of cube 2 (not wood)and the rock. Calculate the density of both with this volume rock
liquid Avolume mass of beaker Mass of Mass ofdensity (ml) and liquid(g) beaker(g) liquid(g)(g/ml)
If the density of corn syrup is 1.38 g/mL, what is the mass of 1,000mL of syrup?
If a 810g mass has a density of 2.7g/cm 3, what is it’s volume?
Densities of Common Substances (g/cm 3 ) Hydrogen Helium Air Gasoline 0.70 Olive oil 0.92 Water 1.0 Sea water 1.03 Glycerin 1.26 Mercury 13.6 Ice (0 oC) 0.92 Aluminum 2.7 Zinc 7.0 Manganese 7.6 Iron 7.8 Brass 8.6 alloy of copper and zinc Nickel 8.8 Copper 8.9 Silver 10.5 Lead 11.3 Gold 19.3 Platinum 21.4 Iridium 22.2
Density Problems
1.1 ml has the same volume as _____cm 3. This volume of pure water has the mass of _____gram(s).
2.What property do the following units measure? (mass, volume or density) ml g g/ml cm 3 g/cm 3.
3. A rectangular block is 8.5 cm long, 6 cm wide, and 4.5 cm deep. It has a mass of 620 g. a.What is the volume of the block? b.b.Find the density of the block. c. Will this block float on water? How do you know?
4.What is the density of a 600g mass with a volume of 300 ml?
5.What is the volume of 5000g of gasoline that has a density of 0.68 g/ml?
6.1.What is the mass of 950ml of mercury if its density is 13.6 times greater than water?
7.What is the density of a 200g block of gold that has a 10.5 cm 3 volume? a. What ’ s the volume of 1kg of gold?
8.A box measure 5cm long, 4cm wide and 1cm high. If this box has a mass of 35g, what is its density? a.Will it float?
9.What is the mass of a cubic meter of granite that has a density of 2.5 g/cm 3 ?