What Kind of Student are You Self Discovery
Before You Start This is not a test, this is a chance to tell the truth about what kind of student you are There are no trick questions you are the only one who knows the answers At the end of this assignment you will have a visual of what areas are high or low in specific skills
Discover YOU!! Scoring each question 5 Points: This always true or almost always true 4 Points: This is often true but not always 3 Points: This statement is true half of the time 2 Points: This statement is rarely true 1 Point: This statement is never true or rarely true. Work with a Partner Ask your partner each of the questions and total your score after each category
Attitude 1.____ I enjoy learning. 2.____ I know my multiple intelligence score and use the information 3.____ I make goals and check them often 4.____ I evaluate my strengths and look for where I can improve
Attitude 5.____ I am satisfied with my progress at school. 6.____ I use my learning style knowledge to support my learning at school. 7.____ I am willing to listen to teachers help me get better even if I don’t agree with the idea. 8.____ I look at my dreams and goals for school often. Total Score for (1) ATTITUDE______
Time 1.____ I set long-term goals and look at them regurly. 2.____ I set short-term goals to support my long term goals. 3.____ I plan for each day of the week. 4.____ I know how to prioritize and I do it every day.
Time 5.____ I plan review time so I don’t have to cram before tests. 6.____ I plan time to hang out with friends and relax. 7.____ I adjust my study time for each class daily. 8.____ I have enough time to accomplish all my tasks. Total Score for (2) TIME______
READING 1.____ I preview and review reading assignments. 2.____ When I read I ask myself questions about what I’m reading. 3.____ I underline or take notes about important things I read. 4.____ When I read things at school I focus.
Reading 5.____ I think about how what I read is like my life. 6.____ I use reading strategies when I read. 7.____ I take good notes when I read. 8.____ When I don’t understand what I’m reading I make notes and find answers. Total Score for (3) READING______
Memory 1.____ I am confident in my ability to remember. 2.____ I can remember peoples names. 3.____ At the end of class I can summarize the lesson. 4.____ I practice memory games at home.
Memory 5.____ I think about how what I read is like my life. 6.____ I use reading strategies when I read. 7.____ I take good notes when I read. 8.____ When I don’t understand what I’m reading I make notes and find answers. Total Score for (4) MEMORY______
Notes 1.____ When I am in class, I focus my attention. 2.____ I take notes in class. 3.____ I know about different ways to take notes and I use the note taking strategy that I like. 4.____ I know what is important when I am taking notes.
Notes 5.____ I write everything the instructor writes down. 6.____ I can put classroom notes in my own words 7.____ I use my notes for review. 8.____ I review my notes every day. Total Score for (5) Notes______
Tests 1.____ I find a way to relax before a test. 2.____ I stay on task during my tests and complete them. 3.____ I can predict test questions. 4.____ I know how to study for each class.
Tests 5.____ I understand tests questions and can write the answer correctly. 6.____ I don’t wait until last minute to review for tests. 7.____ I review classwork everyday to stay ready for my tests. 8.____ I know that grades don’t mean I am smart or not smart. Total Score for (6) TESTS______
Thinking 1.____ I think of solutions to problems often. 2.____ I brainstorm to create answers to lots of problems. 3.____ When I get stuck on a creative project I know where to find answers. 4.____ Problems and tough choices don’t bother me.
Thinking 5.____ I can think about other peoples points of view. 6.____ I know when things don’t make sense. 7.____ I listen to different people before making opinions making choices. 8.____ When I share my ideas with others I am ok if they disagree. Total Score for (7) THINKING______
Communicating 1.____ I am honest with people about how I feel, think, and want. 2.____ Other people tell me I am a good listener. 3.____ I can communicate my upset anger without blaming others. 4.____ I can make friends easily.
Communicating 5.____ I can hang out with other people who aren’t my friends. 6.____ I can plan and write a research paper really well. 7.____ I proof read my writing before I turn it in. 8.____ I know how to prepare and deliver a good presentation. Total Score for (8) COMMUNICATING______
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