Midterm Information January 2015 How To Prepare Expectations
Room Assignments: Have Not Been Assigned Yet Period One: Room Period Three: Room Period Four: Room Period Five: Room Period Six: Room
Importance of Midterms Midterms count as a separate grade from the marking periods. They are worth 10% of your grade for the year. Depending how you do on the midterms and finals, your overall grade for the year can move up or drop a FULL letter grade. You cannot afford to blow them off. This is something so many of my former students have shared when they realized how they blew things off in ninth grade that dramatically hurt their GPA when applying to college. DO NOT REPEAT THEIR MISTAKES!
Students Who Get Extended Testing Time Your extended testing time begins ten minutes after my midterm ends at 11:30. You will report to my classroom to finish the midterms with me at 11:40. You will have until 1PM to finish. Make sure to pack a lunch. The cafeteria will not be serving food, and you will be hungry. You will not be able to focus otherwise. After you finish my midterm with me, you will then go to your designated testing place to finish your Science midterm. This will allow you to finish your Science midterm before the busses arrive at 2:30PM.
Accelerated Level 120 Multiple Choice Questions: This is still tentative. Being edited by ninth grade team. 29 Multiple Choice Questions on Age of Enlightenment Unit 49 Multiple Choice Questions on Middle East Unit 42 Multiple Choice Questions on Africa Unit Short Answer: Examining the effects of the geographic features on Africa.
Academic A Level 100 Multiple Choice Questions: This is still tentative. Being edited by ninth grade team. 20 Multiple Choice Questions on Age of Enlightenment Unit 44 Multiple Choice Questions on Middle East Unit 36 Multiple Choice Questions on Africa Unit Short Answer: Examining the effects of the geographic features on Africa
Short Answer Question Africa’s history and development has been dramatically affected by its physical geography. For each geographic feature, provide at least TWO examples of either positive or negative or both types of effects. MINIMUM OF THREE GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THAT FEATURE SPECIFIC TO AFRICA. Rivers Savannas Deserts Sahel MUST HAVE TWO DIFFERENT AND SPECIFIC EXAMPLES FOR THE EFFECTS---THIS MEANS IDENTIFYING THE NAME OF A SPECIFIC RIVER AND THE IMPACT IT HAS, etc.... Cannot repeat an example. For example, for the effects of the rivers, you cannot use two examples of the Nile. Must use two different rivers. This does not apply to the Sahel or Savannah. It does apply to Rivers and Deserts. Must write in bullets Must write in complete thoughts Must use specific historical facts, terms, people, events Must explain the information and not just list
How To Prepare 1. Complete the Age of Enlightenment Unit Study Guide. 2. Complete the Middle East Unit Study Guide. If you completed it, go back and study from it. Make corrections and additions. 3. Go back and correct the two Middle East Unit Tests. Midterm questions on the content come from these tests. 4. Complete the Africa Unit Study Guide through Imperialism. Accelerated: May turn it in to earn bonus points to be added to your midterm score. Academic A: May use it on the midterm and earn bonus points to be added to your midterm score. 5. Do a Pre-Write for the Short Answer Question to help you study.
Other Things To Do To Prepare For Midterms Study a little bit over a number of days instead of cramming. You will not remember as much. Form a small study group with classmates who will not distract each other. Go through the study guides and tests questions discussing the answers. REMEMBER IF YOU READ ABOUT IT, WRITE ABOUT IT, AND TALK ABOUT IT, YOU REMEMBER 90% OF THE CONTENT. Go to the teacher page and watch any of the United Streaming Film Clips on the content you feel you are weak on. It will provide an additional visual and auditory review for you. Go to the teacher page and go through any of the PowerPoints on the content you feel you are weak on. It will provide an additional visual review for you. Make sure to get a good night’s sleep. Eat breakfast. Remember to have number two pencils with erasers!
Summary The midterm is structured just like my unit tests. The questions are organized by content topics, so they do not jump around between units, etc... The midterm also moves in chronological order from the start of the year. By doing this, it makes it easier for you to focus and move through the questions Almost all the primary sources that are used within the questions we have worked with either as part of a reading assignment, for a writing prompt, or as part of a PowerPoint lecture. So they will be familiar to you and help you answer the questions based upon them. I will be moving between the testing rooms continuously to answer questions. Good luck! If you follow my advice and prepare, you will do well! I know you can do it!