Kat Lygate Science AST, Cherwell School
Jing allows you to create images and videos of what you see on your computer screen, then share them instantly Very simple to use Videos (max 5 mins) can be recorded of powerpoints. Files saved as.swf and can be played back through for eg windows media player
Teachers went through each q of paper and files saved onto shared area Students access this using computer during lesson time and review how they did in the mock Students then set targets. Benefits – students much more focussed and on task, only reviewing the questions they got wrong, listened to exam technique, students who miss lesson have opportunity to do at home Drawbacks – access to IT, time in setting up q
Our elearning package OxBox came with premade powerpoints going through different grades of answers for key topics Teachers made videos of these and they were made available in shared area as revision materials for resits. Also been experimenting with freeware – exports to mp4 and making materials available via you tube radioactivity revision video
Can track which students are accessing resources and for how long Can embed you-tube video without students being directed onto other videos Can provide access to past papers and other goodies. Can link to SAM learning, quizlet etc.