DTB Instructor Education in the area of „Fitness and Health“ First level: 120 units/ „Fitness and Health for Adults and Elderly“. Second level: 30 units/ „Instructor B – Sport Prevention Profiles: - „Cardio-vescular training“ - „Posture and Movement“ - „Relaxation and Coping Stress“
Structure of the education concept for instructors: Area of responsibility: planning, organisation, carrying out and evaluation of health related practical training courses. Aims of the education: - Personal and social competences: leading groups; perception of group dynamic proceedings and reasonable reactions; basic rules of communication; perception and taking care of the particularity of the target group; …
Expertise (specialised competence for the subject): - knowledge of the structure, functions and importance of health- and fitness activities; - ability to use the knowledge for the training programs of particular target groups; - basic knowledge about new scientific findings and innovative equipment; - knowledge about new fitness trends and ability to assess them; - to be able to establish, taking care and promote new groups; - …………
Teaching competences: - knowledge and skills to pla, organise, carrying out and evaluate the course units; - knowledge about versitile teaching-, learning- and training-methods. Didactic-methodical principles: - target group orientation; - learning by doing/action orientation; - diversity of methodical approaches; - experience orientated learning; - team orientated learning.
Putting the concept into the education syllabus: A. Person- and group related area 10 Units - The instructor as group leader 7 UE - Construction of course lessons 2 UE and the whole training-course - Drop-out and retention 1 UE
B. Activity related area: 100 UE Fitness- and health sport (definition and objectives) 4UE Anatomical, physiological and training 18 UE methodical basics - the passive movement apparatus; - the active movement apparatus; - the cardio-vescular system Warming up and cool down 2 UE Endurance training for fitness and 14 UE health (with practise examples) Power and flexibility training 17 UE Coordination training 7 UE
Fitness- and health-training 3 UE with music Games as fitness- and health-training 3 UE Model course lessons and 28 UE verification of learning outcome Optional: Trends within the fitness and health 3 UE scenery Nutrition 2 UE Relexation within the fitness- 3 UE and health-training
C. Association and club related area: 10 UE Structure of the organisation Histrory and topical situation of DTB Liability and supervision-obligation rules Marketing and advertisement Further education possiblities
Second Level: Sport Prevention 30 UE This profile is a kind of further, consolidating education, specially dedicated to the German concept of health- sport with its particular aims for primary and second prevention of sedentary people. This level gives special qualification, to plan, organise, carry out and evaluate health-sport courses with focus on particular health effects. Only with this licence instructors can get the quality mark „Pluspunkt Gesundheit.DTB“
Content of the education syllabus „Cardio-vescular prevention training“ The physical resources of participants in health-sport programs; Psycho-social preconditions of health-sport groups; Model lessons from the standardised DTB „Cardio- Active Programs“; Anatomical and physiological basics of the cardio-vescular system; Warming up; Functional Gymnastics; Relaxation; Walking and Jogging programs; Endurance tests; Aerobic and cardio-vescular prevention; Endurance training methodology Riskfactors and endurance training; Games; Endurance circle