Since the 1968 Mexico City 19th Olympic Games, training under conditions of moderate-height mountains ( m above sea level), has been steadily logged in the system of preparation of athletes participating in various types of sport. For the purpose of enhancing the physical preparedness of basketball players of Tbilisi State Medical University, the team members were on training camp in the Erzurum Ataturk University-based athletes training center from 13 to 17 September Given the positive effect of moderate reduced barometric pressure, a characteristic feature of medium-height mountains ( m), the training of athletes is frequently held at the aforesaid altitudes With the aim to enhance the general physical preparedness of basketball players of the premier league team of Tbilisi State Medical University composed of 14 members, under the leadership of the administrative and coaching staff and a physician, the team was getting prepared for the championship of Georgia in a training camp located in the Young Athletes Village of the Erzurum Ataturk University (Turkey), from 13 to 27 September 2011.
Since Tbilisi is situated at the height of meters above sea level (655 m on average) with the barometric pressure of 969 mmHg on average and 63% humidity, while Erzurum, known as Asia Minor Siberia, is located at the height of m above sea level, which is attributed to medium-height mountains, in the beginning of the training process for 3 days the athletes used to acclimatize with monitoring of the arterial pressure and the sleep-vigilance cycle. Since Tbilisi is situated at the height of meters above sea level (655 m on average) with the barometric pressure of 969 mmHg on average and 63% humidity, while Erzurum, known as Asia Minor Siberia, is located at the height of m above sea level, which is attributed to medium-height mountains, in the beginning of the training process for 3 days the athletes used to acclimatize with monitoring of the arterial pressure and the sleep-vigilance cycle. The following day routine and training regime were established in the Erzurum athletes training center: 1. 8:00 – getting up 2. 8:15-8:45 – morning exercise, including jogging and breathers. 3. 9:00 – breakfast. To improve cardio-hepatic metabolism the athletes were given riboxin on the empty stomach; after the breakfast, they took polyvitamins and creatine to improve the work of cross-striated muscles :00 – the initial training process, including athletics every other day and gymnasium exercises. Before and after the raining the athletes took protein 5. 15:00 - Dinner with the taking of riboxin before meals :00 – A 2-hour evening training in the basketball gym. The athletes took creatine before meals and protein after meals :30 – supper with the taking of riboxin before meals :00 – Sleep.
Before going to the training camp in the town of Erzurum and the next day after coming back to Tbilisi, the athletes underwent a special medical examination in Tbilisi State Medical University-based medical facilities. The following indicators were assessed: weight, the body fat percentage, erythrocyte numbers, the level of blood haemoglobin, the relative index of maximal oxygen consumption/uptake (VO2 max). The last indicator was defined indirectly, according to the results of a physical work capacity test (PWC-170 Cycle Test).
Table 1 Results of some indicators of basketball players before and after a 2- week training session (M ± m) Table 1 Results of some indicators of basketball players before and after a 2- week training session (M ± m) Weight (kg) Body fat (%) VO2 max/kg (ml/kg/min ) Red blood cell count (RBC) (mln/ml) Blood hemoglobi n (Hb) (g/l) Before91,2±3, ± ± ± ±1.7 After93.0± ± ±1.74.6± 0.06*133.9±1.74 **
As can be seen from Table 1 below, the weight of athletes constituted on average 91,21±3.37 before and 93.0±3.28 after the training camp in Erzurum, i.e., it has increased by 1.96%, while the adipose tissue percentage was 10.41±1.45 and became 9.23±1.35 (i.e., has decreased by 11.39%). If RBC before the camp made on average 4.11±0.05 mln/ml, after the camp it totalled 4.6±0.06 mln/ml. The erythrocytes increased in number by 12%, which is statistically reliable (p < 0,001). Also observed was the statistically reliable (p<0,001) increase in the blood hemoglobin level from g/l±1.7 to g/l ±1.74, which totalled 3.8%. The relative index of VO2 max, making before the training camp 47.2 ml/kg/min±1.67 and 50.6 ml/kg/min±1.7 after the camp, which totals 6.7%, has also improved.
The examination of 14 athletes conducted before and after the training camp demonstrated that a 2-week training session at an altitude of m above sea level had the following positive effects on the physiological characteristics, namely: Decrease in the body fat percentage by 11.39% against the background of the body weight increase by 1.96%, presumably at the expense of the athletes’ muscle bulk increase. The statistically reliable increase in the erythrocyte numbers (12%) and in the blood haemoglobin level (2%). The aerobic endurance enhancement by 7% on average. Thus, it can be concluded that the findings once again corroborate the scientific data on the beneficial effect of moderate altitude training before major competitions on the physical of athletes participating in sports games.
CONCLUSIONS The analysis of findings indicates that: 1.Sport training under conditions of medium-height mountains has a positive effect upon the general physical state of athletes, in particular it contributes to enhancing the muscle bulk at the expense of the adipose tissue reduction; 2.The oxygen delivery to body tissues improves. 3.The aerobic endurance of the body enhances. All this is consistent with the scientific and literary data concerning the study of moderate altitude effects on the performance of athletes. By today, the efficiency of moderate altitude training is beyond any doubt, in particular in respect of the representatives of sports games training in Erzurum Ataturk University-based Sport Olympic Center, this being evidence by the general body performance.