WisDOT - Bureau of Structures Matthew Coupar
Anything “structural” – change in loading, structural capacity, pile locations If in doubt, call us! See Structures Contacts Handout BOS Contacts.doc Remind Contractor to go thru Construction Staff for answers
Overhead sign supports, sign bridges, traffic signal monotubes, high mast light poles New specifications are in affect this construction season Contractors should contact project personnel prior to installing these structures It is WisDOT’s responsibility to provide Quality Assurance (not Quality Control) for installation Field engineers should receive DT 2322 and DT 2321 forms from the contractor and provide them to the in-service inspectors for inclusion in initial inspection report (uploaded into HSIS) Bolt suppliers paperwork should include rotational capacity test information (high-strength bolt connections) Contractors shall perform preinstallation test and install high- strength bolts/DTI’s and anchor bolts per Form DT 2322 and DT 2321 respectively
Field engineers should schedule an in service initial inspection prior to opening to traffic with the Region bridge maintenance ancillary inspector Common construction issues Foundations – Poor soils, groundwater, etc. Shafts should be augured not excavated, backfilling is not acceptable, sonotube forms shall not be used Steel casings shall be installed in difficult locations and pulled as the concrete is being tremied With the approval of BOS, corrugated steel casings may be screwed in and left in place at the expense of the contractor New installation procedures
Contacts: Traffic Signal Structures and Foundations Alex Crabtree (BOS) – Sign Structures Vu Thao (BOS) – New Installation Procedures Dave Genson (BOS) – Mike Wood (BOS) –
CMM 1-65 Updated engineer responsibilities related to as- built structure plans (require “STRUCTURE” to be placed above as-built title box on title sheet) CMM 5-70 Guidance and checklist for field personnel inspecting ancillary structures installations (mainly pertain to new sign/signal structures installation requirements)
Std. Spec (FDM and CMM Guidance will be available in March 2015) New Policies Dual Approach to Ice Based on Project Type Projects with HPC or greater than 2000 CY concrete STSP S shall be included in plans and bid by contractors Projects with less than 2000 CY concrete Standard spec administrative item payment of $0.75/lb remains in affect Ice should be paid for – field engineers should not delay pours if ice is required Ice delivered and stored on site should not be paid for unless used as required per Std. Spec.
Masonry Anchor Install Type L or S adhesive anchor ACI/CRSI Certified Installer, or Field Verification by Non-Destructive Pullout Testing
Pigmented Protective Surface Treatment Used on parapets, different product than decks Stainless Steel Reinforcement Moved into STSPs Polymer Modified Asphalt (for Overlays) Moved into STSPs
Plan details for fill at wing tips Proper Fill = Minimize Future Erosion
No cofferdam required only forms
Be plugged into fabrication of elements Templates to match at connections Verify dimensions for field installation Get BOS & Jim Parry involved Suggest mock grout pour before the actual Follow grouted coupler instructions
Issues with loose deck steel Bar chair spacing too large Bar tie spacing too large or missing STD. Spec Placing and Fastening
Probing during deck pour and dry run Top Cover Bottom Cover Deck thickness
Structural Approach Slabs US Highways & Interstates Details included in the structure plan Contractors have successfully poured with bridge deck
Detail for pouring SAS with bridge deck Contractor would have to propose using this
AbutmentPier Cap
Abutment Paving Block Joint Sawcut on Bridge Deck
Welders must be qualified prior to welding in the position, process, and type of joint. Correct Certification. A written weld procedure for each type of weld is required. Get familiar with weld symbols and nomenclature. Storage and care of welding electrodes.
Call us with Questions We look forward to another great year of bridge construction! THANK YOU!