Getting the Most Out of Your Early Alert System Presented By: Dan Lufkin Kelly McPhee Jennifer Bradley Sarah Leitz
GateWay Community College Phoenix, AZ Located in an urban environment in east-central Phoenix Surrounding GateWay is a mix of low-income housing, business and industry, and a large international airport Variety of degree options in computers, business, court- reporting, University transfer, industrial (ie, auto, HVAC) and specialty Healthcare programs Student Population Approx. 7,000 students, 2,800 full-time Enrollment Majority of students are part-time Average age 29 51% White, 25% Hispanic, 9% Black, 4% American Indian, 4% Asian/Pacific Islander, 7% Other Hispanic Serving Institute – awarded a $2.76 million dollar Title V Grant in 2009
As a result of a attending this sessions, participants will be able to: Identify the necessary components required for developing an interactive Early Alert System. Formulate new ideas for existing or future Early Alert Systems. Evaluate the effectiveness of your Early Alert System.
The Dark Ages History and Evolution of the Early Alert System
Dark Ages One person show Paper format No data Industrial Revolution Home Grown Electronic System Not User Friendly One IT Controller Not Easy to maintain User End problems/complications
The Evolution Continues… Early Alert System Text Aim Peer Advocates Marketing Access database Technological Age
Technology Resources Merging the old with the modern
Technology Resources Home-grown Early Alert System Faculty Submission Administrator Access Database Utilize access as a resource to keep all contact records and communicate between Peer Advocate and Administrator. We utilized our home-grown Early Alert System and added technology plus human resources to enhance our Early Alert Process
Early Alert System – Faculty Submission
Early Alert – After Submission
Access Database After the Early Alert has been entered into the Access database it is then sent to the Peer Advocates
Student Contact Tools Phone TextAim (computer-based texting system)
Customer Contacts Keywords Groups
Technology is great and needed, but do we rely on it too much?
Human Connection Bringing on a personal approach to create relationships
Human Connections Information pamphlet re-designed Faculty and Students Hi! Have you heard? Early Alert It’s great! Early Alert!! Spread the word Marketing Faculty “Field Trips” Workshops in the CTL/Faculty and adjunct convocations
Human Connections Administrator Direct source between faculty, peer mentor and student Follow-up, Follow-up, Follow-up Peer Advocate Personally call/ /text each student Face to Face meetings Create an action plan Follow-up with each student multiple times throughout the semester and re-asses action plan
Data Data collected from Spring 2011 through Spring 2012
Results: SPRING 2011 SPRING 2012 Final Grade# who earned that grade # of total EAS % Pass (A, B, C) % Fail (D, F) % Withdraw (W) % Withdraw Failing (Y)71036% Final Grade# who earned that grade # of total EAS % Pass (A, B, C) % Fail (D, F) % Withdraw (W) % Withdraw Failing (Y) % Incomplete (I) %
Results: FALL 2011 Final Grade# who earned that grade # of total EAS % Pass (A, B, C) % Fail (D, F) % Withdraw (W) % Withdraw Failing (Y) % Incomplete (I) %
Thank You for your time! Questions and Comments?
Contact Information Dan Lufkin, Dean of Enrollment Management Kelly McPhee, Coordinator of Enrollment Services Jennifer Bradley, Title V: Coordinator of Student Services Sarah Leitz, Coordinator Student Services David Goodwin (TextAim)