Put the Business First Relationship in Europe between D&B and European Commerce Registers
D&B : some facts Founded in 1841 in the USA World wide presence in 200+ countries Listed at the New York Stock Exchange Global database: records employees globally
In Europe D&B has established a hybrid model that combines direct ownership markets with a network of committed Partners BIL Oct-04 Informa Oct-04 Bonnier May-04 Bonnier Dec-03 Markets where D&B maintained direct ownership to achieve a leading competitive position UK & Ireland, Italy and the Benelux Markets where D&B has established partnerships to achieve a leading competitive position: Nordic, Central, France and Iberia Eastern Europe Markets where D&B has established Third party agents to achieve a leading Global presence: Eastern Europe
Why do our Customers need Registry Data? Investigate existence of companies Determine financial risks Detect commercial opportunities Legal reasons (who is responsible)
Key aspects of the D&B/Registries relationship Access of registry data Speed of registry data Coverage of registry data Price of registry details Perception of quality But, what can be improved?
Access, Price, Speed of Registry Data Today NL Netherlands IT Italy GE Germany LA Latvia CZ Czech Republic PO Poland Access On line Bulk load/ Tape On line Bulk load/ Tape 150 courts Different methods On line Paper Visit to registry Paper Price (all available data) € 7,90€ 3,25€ 10€ 30 - € 150 Free of charge € 15 Speed of delivery Direct (on line) Various flows (day/week/ month) 24h – 4 weeks Direct or h Higher price 24 h – 3 weeks Direct (visit)
What Data for Different Price? NLITGELACZPO -Registration details -Financials full coverage -Shareholders only 100% -Linkages 100% ownership -Letters of Liability -Historical data -Registration details -Financials full coverage -Shareholders limited -Historical data -Registration details -Financials limited volumes -Shareholders -Historical data -Registration details -Financials limited volumes -Shareholders -Historical data -Registration details -Financials limited volumes -Shareholders -Historical data -Registration details -Financials limited volumes -Shareholders -Historical data
Coverage & Quality of Registry Data Today NLITGELACZPO Coverage Economic active cie’s 100% N/A Quality OK, But not complete Complete, but not always accurate OK, but not complete OK, but expensive N/AOK, but expensive
Summary: How does D&B perceive the Registries? In ALL markets willingness to co-operate Key source for D&B database In most countries (too) expensive Accuracy +Accessibility can be improved No key focus on needs of end customer Monopolist In some countries as a competitor
Wishlist of D&B and her customers Full Coverage on all active companies Full Coverage on Financials for companies that are obliged to file More Detailed data (e.g. principals data in bulk loads) Consistency in Accessability and Speed of delivery
Conclusions European Commerce Registers : –“Register to inform” D&B: –Inform to: “Give insight to decide with confidence, based on top quality information out of top quality registered data” All our final end customers want the same. Let’s both do what is necessary within our mission/relationship to surpass our brand images in the European markets