Flight School for Paragliders and Hang gliders
King Fisher - Beginner Black Bird - Intermediate Golden Eagle - Advanced
Mountain ground school 20 training flights Equipment provided
15 instructional aerotow tandem flights 3 solo aerotow flights to 2000 feet Thermal training Equipment included
Beginners Ground School 4 Instructional Tandem Flights 50 Training Hill Flights 1 tandem instructional flight to 2000′
Hang GliderParaglider January February March April May June July
Wing It paragliding and Hang gliding training school is located on top of Pemberly Mountain north west of Harry’s cliffs
What to bring Jeans or other long pants to wear during your lesson Running shoes and clothing appropriate for the season Bring a change of clothes for after the class How to get ready Walking, jogging or climbing stairs for a couple of weeks before you come can help make your training lessons easier
When to be here for your first scheduled lesson Be at our Pro Shop on top of the mountain at 8 a.m. (Eastern time). Check our website