Warm Up: How much are you judged or do you judge based on what is worn? U. S. History
Classwork:Cornell Notes Prepare your paper, DATE! Topic: 1920s Culture (1920s) Preview:
3 Check it: Post-War Social Change Industrialization, immigration and the Great War brought a challenge of traditional values=REVOLUTION in manners and morals Women were rebellious, energetic, fun, bold (some was convenience) boyish short hair (bob), short dresses, eyebrows plucked, RED smoking and liquor War: change in workforce: women quit if married or prego, not =pay/promotion voting not a big deal yet 3
4 Post-War Social Change Demographics: description of population statistics Rural v urban (farmers moved) High school attendance up 2X economic split cultural split (flappers :( rural) African Americans move north: along with WWI refugees Immigration limits: not for Canada and Mexico; L.A.=barrios (Hispanic) suburbs: buses not trolleys 4
5 Post-War Social Change HEROES: changes make Americans look for traditional values in heroes! Lucky Lindy Spirit of St. Louis, $25K prize flew across Atlantic, 33.5 hours Amelia Earhart Gertrude Ederle Thorpe Dempsey Babe Ruth 5
6 Mass Media and the Jazz Age: 13.2 MASS media (newspapers, magazines, radio, “talkies”) changes the “American” culture from regional to NATIONAL Movies: Chaplin, Garbo, Gish; Hollywood Now we are obsessed with stars and fashion (sound familiar?) advertisers pay more if more read it! 6
7 Mass Media and the Jazz Age: 13.2 Radio+migration= JAZZ off beat syncopation ragtime+blues, and you can DANCE to it! uh oh, suggestive, free manners and morals breathless, energetic, superactive, like the times themselves Cotton Club in Harlem Benny Goodman, Gershwin, Rhapsody in Blue, Dance the Charleston 7
8 Mass Media and the Jazz Age: 13.2 Art: Georgia O’Keefe (love her) Literature: Sinclair Lewis, Eugene O’Neill, “The Lost Generation” ex-pats: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Edna St. Vincent Millay Harlem Renaissance: Zora Neale Hurston, James Weldon Johnson (NAACP); Claude McCay; Langston Hughes; Alain Locke 8
Exit How was the flapper an example of the 1920s attitude for women?