Porcupine North-eastern Ontario Mines Safety Group May 24 th, 2012 Kapuskasing Julie Culverhouse 1
Twisted welding rod wedged on the jogging button for the hypochlorite transfer pump CULTIVATING PERFORMANCE. DELIVERING VALUE. 2
Investigation Failure of whole system: –Inadequate initial/update training Roll out not done with all Operators Procedures not updated –Improper attempt to save time and effort CULTIVATING PERFORMANCE. DELIVERING VALUE. 3
Biggest lessons for myself Explain why you are changing something –Simple right? Wrong! Explaining and rolling out a change takes time and effort. Listen more –When someone says “it’s taking to long to…” that might mean they are taking a short cut and the short cut might not be safe. CULTIVATING PERFORMANCE. DELIVERING VALUE. 4
Agrium Inc Lake Fraser Drive SE Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2J 7E8 Telephone (403) Agrium U.S. Inc South Ulster Street, Suite 1700 Denver, Colorado, U.S Telephone (303) NYSE and TSX: AGU agrium.com