Last updated: 28/06/2013 WIN for RES Web Integrated Network for Renewable Energy Sources WIN FOR RES Contract number: IEE/10/145/SI Project duration: from 01 May 2011 to 04 May 2013
Last updated: 28/06/2013WIN FOR RES PROJECT OBJECTIVES Quality, completeness and transparency of information on RES (opportunities, real costs, best solutions) More small-scale RES installations in buildings registered online Virtual meeting point and reference for "RES people“ (exchange of experiences and information) Networks among RES actors, to improve communication and support common activities Better quality of the installation services through the evaluation by customers (rating of installers) and experts PROJECT FACTS & FIGURES 10 Partners from 7 different Countries Interactive web 2.0 platform dedicated to online RES community in 5 languages Online database of existing RES installations and installers, with comments and ranking by users Valuable information on renewables, also via podcasts
Last updated: 28/06/2013 Background: WHY WIN FOR RES? Customers generally don’t trust sellers and installers Information on RES is even too much but the quality is not checked confusion by customers on prices, production, etc. There is need by users to share and compare concrete experiences with RES plants and installers, find real examples of installed plants, especially in their neighbourhood It is important to rank installers considering the quality and concrete results of their job WIN FOR RES
Last updated: 28/06/2013 OBJECTIVES AND MAIN STEPS Rank best RES owners and installers, evaluated by other users Give podcasts and technical documents as information on RES to users who wish to install renewables Involve users in the web community; get different subjects networking and comparing solutions 3000 new RES installations and 7965 tCO2 equivalent emissions avoided thanks to the diffusion of renewables WIN FOR RES
RESULTS Web 2.0 platform development could not be fully finalized and disseminated as planned due to earlier project termination; nevertheless reached more than page views and many key actors manifested their interest in the idea Small enterprises of energy services and building sectors and their associations, as well as experts, consultants and decision makers expressed their interest in being involved in the project and in some countries (Austria, France, Spain) this collaboration has been effective. Last updated: 28/06/2013WIN FOR RES
Last updated: 28/06/2013WIN FOR RES PROJECT COORDINATOR: 1.CRACA – Centro Regionale di Assistenza alla Cooperazione Artigiana Soc. Coop. (Italy) TELEPHONE: FAX: PROJECT PARTNERS: 2.MIBU S.R.L. (Italy) 3.ADICONSUM - Associazione Difesa Consumatori e Ambiente (Italy) 4.AEE Energiedienstleistungen GmbH (Austria) 5.Energikontor Sydost AB (Sweden) 6.The National Energy Foundation (United Kingdom) 7.B.&S.U. Beratungs- und Service Gesellschaft Umwelt mbH (Germany) 8.ESCAN, S.A. (Spain) 9.Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (Austria) 10.Agence Locale de l'Energie de l'Agglomeration Lyonnaise (France)