Library Disaster: Preparedness & Recovery An Overview by: Darcel A. Bryant, AHIP Associate Librarian Howard University Washington, DC 20059
Goals Encourage every library to develop a disaster plan Help libraries minimize the impact of a disaster Provide information to restore collections and services in an optimum time
Kinds of Disasters Natural Disasters include: Earthquake Fire Flood Hurricane
Natural Disasters have caused: Damage to library collections and buildings Harm to staff and users Disruption to library services Xavier University Library - Louisiana Pass Christian Library - Mississippi Go to: or FOR MORE INFO...
MA 1998 Flood Boston Public Library LA MS 2005 Hurricane Gulf Coast Libraries CO 1997 Rain Storm Flood Colorado State University Morgan Library CA 1998 Flood Stanford University Library CA 1994 Earthquake California State University Northridge Delmar T. Oviatt Library Libraries affected by Disasters Libraries affected by Disasters The damages and lessons learned for each library follows:
1994 California Earthquake Northridge, CA California State University Delmar T. Oviatt Library Damage: Structural damage to building. Lessons Learned: Maintain shelving to meet latest standards. Record the arrangement of the library collections. Go to: or FOR MORE INFO...
1997 Colorado Flood Morgan Library Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO Damage: water damage to materials and offices. Lessons learned: Include restoration of library services (incl. reference, circulation, ILL) in your disaster plan. Go to: or FOR MORE INFO...
1998 California Flood 1998 California Flood Meyer & Music Libraries Stanford University Stanford CA Damage: water damage to collections (incl. GPO Docs., LP records, microfiche and books). Lessons Learned: encourage and support collection emergency planning. Update your disaster plan and include staff training. Go to: or FOR MORE INFO...
1998 Boston Flood 1998 Boston Flood Boston Public Library Boston, MA Damage: water damage to materials (incl. GPO docs., microfiche and maps). Lessons Learned: Include a chain of command in your plan. Assign responsibility for each aspect of the recovery process. Go to: http// or FOR MORE INFO...
2005 Gulf Coast Hurricane Libraries in New Orleans & Mississippi Include: -Dillard Univ. Library -Loyola Univ. Library -LSU Health Sciences Center -McNeese State Univ. Library - Mississippi State Univ. Library -Southern Univ. Library -U of Southern Miss. Library -Xavier Univ. Library Tulane University Library Damage: water damage to collections, equipment and buildings. Go to: or the Libraries Web pagehttp:// FOR MORE INFO...
Process for developing a plan Establish a disaster committee to develop rules and procedures. Get staff involved in planning, preparedness, and recovery. Maintain a record of the floor plans and the arrangement of collections. FOR MORE INFO... See handout- A selected bibliography of disaster planning, preparedness and recovery
Benefits of having a disaster plan Provides staff with clear procedures to follow Makes your library safe Minimizes damage Prevents panic during and after a disaster FOR MORE INFO... See handout- List of libraries and universities with disaster plans
Summary Disaster can happen to any library Be ready for a disaster Layout a plan of what needs to be done when a disaster strikes Train staff how the disaster plan operates Review, revise and rehearse your plan regularly
References American Library Association. Library Damage Report: Amigos Library Services, Inc. A Disaster Plan for Libraries and Archives: Stanford University Libraries. Preservation Department. CoOl: Conservation Online Federal Depository Library Program. Proceedings of the 9 th Annual Federal Depository Library Conference:
Acknowledgments Disaster Photos Howard University Louis Stokes Health Sciences Library –Larry S. Ellis, Director –Marlene Mahoney, Building Manager –Gary Goodman, SIGTECHS –Mariano Alexander, Technician I