August-Renner Realschule
928 students (Age 10 to 16) Final exam: Mittlere Reife Classes: 35 Teachers: 60 Students come from many different countries: Germany,Turkey,Italy,Ukraine,Kroatia,Russian, France,Polen,Romania,… Many students with migrant background
German school system: Kindergarten (3 to 6 years) Primary school (6 to 10 years) Secondary school : Werkrealschule/Realschule (10 to 16 years) Gemeinschaftsschule (10 to 16 or 18 years) Gymnasium (10 to 18 years) University Dual system( 16 years)
Our school:
The A-building: The A-building is the biggest one of the school. There are two staffrooms, the head teacher`s office. There is also the aula.
The B- & C-building: The B-building is the newest. It is the contact from A to B. Here are also many classrooms. The C-building is the oldest part of the school. It was built in the 50s.
The D- building: The D- building belonged earlier to the French army. There are many classrooms and the arts department. On the top level there is the museum of military defence.
Special rooms at our school Our gym The green house Our outdoor classroom Our computer room
School clubs Mural arts club eco – club (environment)
Special activities choirinstrumental club
dress code only very few schools have a dress code in Germany it gives us a feeling of idendity and we don‘t have to buy expensive clothes
Saving energy at our school We have 2 energy managers in each class.They close the windows and switch off the light. We have saved a lot of energy in the last years.Each year we get 50% of the money we have saved.50% gets the town. This project is called fifty-fifty.There is a competition at our school for the best energy managers.
Solar energy We have solar panels on our roof. People from Rastatt could buy them and sell the electricity to a company. We have our own solar panels and get the money for the energy.