Toledo, MPA access methods and plans With contributions from JHU : Alex Szalay, Jan Vanderberg MPA: Jeremy Blaizot, Jarle Brinchmann, Guinevere Kauffmann, Anja von der Linden, Ben Panter, Guo Qi, Volker Springel, Vivienne Wild
Toledo, MPA Last year, Budapest Presented milli-Millennium halo merger tree database Requests: –More properties (lambda,...) X –Galaxies V –Correlation with environment (galaxies in voids) V –Millennium Why use databases ? Ask Alex.
Toledo, MPA Current status milli-Millennium –Galaxies added: merger trees, links to their parent halos –Density field at various smoothings –Updated web site (demo)demo Millennium subset –Subset (~2%, 10x milli-Mil) of halo and galaxy trees –Z=0 density field Millennium –Halo trees in database (proprietary) –SAM galaxies under way (settle on model etc) –Density fields at all Z will be added: rows Durham –milli_Millennium mirror (Postgres) –Durham halo tree and galaxy catalogues
Toledo, MPA Other databases ROSAT: source catalogues and RASS photons (~100 million) SDSS Peripherals –SDSS_MPA (Brinchman, Kauffmann, Tremonti et al) –MOPED (Ben Panter) –SDSS_PCA (Vivienne Wild et al) GalICS (Jeremy Blaizot) HEALPix all sky maps (Alex Szalay, Tony Banday) –wmap (3 year data soon !) –extinction maps –radio maps (Bonn) –ROSAT background (hopefully)
Toledo, MPA Access Public: Local web apps to Millennium, BESTDR3 and peripherals: Public web browser queries limited (1min, rows) Local databases + web apps less limited
Toledo, MPA Streaming Query results temporarily buffered on server: memory Streaming queries: faster, less limited (only timeout) Access: –IDL (with Ben Panter) wget –http-user=*** --http-password=*** -O localfile.csv * from moped..agebin * from moped..agebin GUI asking for username/password Interprets CSV stream, turned into IDL components –TOPCATTOPCAT
Toledo, MPA Plans: Millennium Millennium: –Tune database halos N x galaxies 63 x 256^3 density field grid cells –More halo properties (shape, λ,...) –More galaxy catalogues different parameters different algorithms (GalICS, Durham,...) –Light cone mock catalogues –Galaxy spectra (+ PCA) –Links to SDSS mirror and peripherals –Proper metadata handling (ala SkyServer) –"SAM online„ –Move webapps to MPA –Use JHU services, install CAS jobs
Toledo, MPA Plans: SDSS mirror + peripherals Make mirror web site public Upgrade SDSS mirror to DR4 … Stabilize, document, publish SDSS peripherals Proper metadata handling Links to Millennium Personal databases: MyDB (ala SkyServer) Add logos
Toledo, MPA Theory VO: spectra Combine theory and observations Example: query-by-example on theory spectra Find similar spectra, from these the actual galaxy formation history Chi-squared on all stored spectra ? Slow, requires storing all of them Idea (not original, see HVO/JHU talks): use PCA to compress data
Toledo, MPA PCA Need training sample of theory spectra to create eigenspectra Project all spectra Store PCA amplitudes in DB Provide web service: –Upload (observational) spectrum (IVOA SSA/SED) –Project onto theory eigenspectra –Use amplitudes as parameters in query for “nearby” amplitudes –Return corresponding theory spectra –Return corresponding galaxy formation histories, or their halos, or their environment …
Toledo, MPA Issues Dealing with errors, gaps: “gappy PCA” (Connolly & Szalay) Normalization: –incoming spectrum in general from very different dataset, needs common normalization –Incoming set will have gaps, errors –Ad hoc normalization possible (and works quite good) Indexing of complex multi-dimensional point set for quick nearest k neigbours search (Voronoi ? See Laszlo‘s work)
Toledo, MPA Normalized gappy PCA Fit normalization factor at same time as PCA amplitudes. Model: Minimize (over a i and N ) :
Toledo, MPA
Toledo, MPA
Toledo, MPA
Toledo, MPA So far Ran PCA on BC03 stochastic bursts (Vivienne) On first GalICS+milli-Millennium spectra (Jeremy) Projected SDSS spectra on both Defined a PCA data model/schema Stored PCAs in database TOPCAT
Toledo, MPA PCA data model (RDB schema available)
Toledo, MPA
Toledo, MPA
Toledo, MPA milliMil-GalICS PC1 vs PC2 Voronoi tesselation
Toledo, MPA Issues for query-by-example Overlap quite good, but good enough ? GalICS spread less than SDSS. BC03 comparable with SDSS, but different slope. Systematics –Model: physics very preliminary (see Blaizot & de Lucia?) resolution effects –Preprocessing SDSS galaxies Rebinning: different algorithms give comparable results (slightly) wrong redshift ? Can be easily simulated –Projection algorithm: normalization does not affect outcome –Observational systematics: use virtual telescope (+virtual spectrograph) to test on the theory spectra. Easier to blow up simulation than to shrink observation cloud
Toledo, MPA Comments Millennium database being used for science projects (Guo Qi) SDSS peripherals used for science projects (see Vivienne’s talk, Ben Panter) Use of mydb for debugging and testing (Jeremy) Please give comments, feedback.