Ganesh Sankaranarayanan PhD April 24, 2013 Orlando/ASE 2013 The Learning Plateau and the Learning Rate for the VBLaST PT© compared to the FLS simulator Introduction -The Virtual Basic Laparoscopic Skills Trainer (VBLaST © ) is a virtual reality simulator that is capable of simulating the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) tasks. -Has a custom interface with haptic (force) feedback capabilities. -Can compute scores automatically -No need for proctors -No need to replenish materials -Additional performance measures can be measured/coded any time
VBLaST System FLS and VBLaST PT © system VBLaST PC © VBLaST LP ©
VBLaST PT © Can simulate the peg transfer task The simulator has shown -Concurrent validity -Convergent validity
Learning Curve Study ( Convergent Validity) Three groups -Control (no training) -VBLaST -FLS 15 sessions (10 trials each session) -5 days x 3 weeks -Pre-test, post-test, retention test (2 weeks after post test) Normalized numerical score based on completion time and errors were calculated for both the systems 18 medical students from the Tufts University School of Medicine were recruited in this IRB approved study. Cumulative Summation Method (CUSUM) was used for assessing the learning curve of both VBLaST and the FLS systems. Need for Learning Plateau and the Learning Rate CUMSUM method is criterion based -Junior, intermediate, senior -MISTELS (Fraser et al.) -VBLaST (Zhang et al.) -Can track performance with every single trial Learning curve has three distinct parameters (Cook et al.) -Starting point ( where the performance starts) -The plateau ( where the performance flattens) -Learning rate ( how fast the performance level is reached) The parameters are intuitive and easy to relate scores to performance
Inverse Curve Fitting Inverse curve Y = a – b/X a is the theoretical maximum score b is the slope b/a is the rate 10 * b/a was defined as the number of trials to reach 90% of the asymptote First defined and used for learning curve by Feldman et al. Parameters computed using nonlinear regression IBM PASW 18 was used for analysis
Results - Curve Fitting VBLaST PT © FLS
Results – Learning Curve Parameters SimulatorMean Starting Score Learning Plateau (a) (Mean ± Std) Learning Rate (10 * b/a) (Mean ± Std) VBLaST PT©44.5 ± ± ± 3 FLS PT task56.42 ± ± ± 3 Both simulators achieved a stabilized higher scores by the end of 150 th trial
Learning in VBLaST P < (pre and post test) Discussion Inverse curve fitting showed stable plateaus for both the simulators Learning rate was lower in VBLaST compared to FLS -Similarly the CUSUM analysis also showed more number of trials to achieve the Junior, Intermediate and senior levels VBLaST is a virtual reality simulator -Still requires some adaptation by users, especially when used for first time -Other solutions that are being currently implemented in the second generation of the VBLaST simulators are -Workspace matching -Tool peg interactions ( picking and transfer) as realistic to the FLS Acknowledgments Funding from NIH, NIH/NIBIB 5R01EB Likun Zhang for conducting the study at the Tufts University School of Medicine