THE ROMANS !! By Sarah, Beth and Ruby
ROMULUS AND REMUS Once there was two boys and their uncle did not like them so he threw them on a lake …A while later a she-wolf saw them and protected them from danger and took care of them very well. A few years later a shepherd heard the babies crying and went to see what was wrong. The babies were safe and sound. So the shepherd took them and took care of them until they were young men. Romulus and Remus wanted to build a city,Later then Romulus killed Remus and continued to build the City and soon called the city Rome after himself.
Then it froze in time for 2000 years. After 1700 years a man was digging in his garden and found a Pompeii brick wall and ever since they kept on digging it up.Now in Italy you can go see the buildings !!! __________________________________________________________ Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79 What happened …
CLOTHES AND FASHION Clothes, jewellery and hair cuts changed from time to time. Women wore gold head to toe. Some women wore wigs made from slaves hair. Women put chalk all over them because pale skin was thought to be attractive. Men and women wore tunics, citizens could wear togas. Richer women wore a dress called a stola.
Romans ate very unusual food. This is one of their recipes !! A chicken inside a duck and duck inside a pig then the pig inside a cow !!. They also liked peahens, peacocks And peacocks tongue’s. FOOD !! What They Ate !!! Picture !!!!
Romans liked to play, fighting, board games, plays and lots more. They would fight in Amphitheatres. They fought against dangerous animals like lions and bears. ENTERTAINMENT http ://t m/i ma ges? q=t bn: AN d9 Gc Qy ZlS Bu5 3Fl GO kc2 08Z 9Zt mH slnv GR b8i SEs j9jv Ew NK dX Az Fg
FACTS !!! Fact 1 : Romans had a place called a vomitarium so they would get sick there. Fact 2: The romans brought roads, wine, pizza and lots lots more to other countries. Fact 3: most words in english are derived from Latin.
THE END !!! By Beth,Sarah and Ruby