Lake and Stream Hydrology 2009 UJ, UH and TPU Timo Huttula JY/BYTL& SYKE/VTO
Personnel Timo Huttula/JY&SYKE Kirsti Krogerus/SYKE Kai Rasmus/SYKE Jonna Kuha/JY Hanna Arola/JY Jyrki Ratilainen/JY Risto Latavnen/JY Anne Mäkynen/JY (TAMK) Mika Nieminen/TAMK (JY) Matti Leppäranta/HY Juho Vehviläinen/HY Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 2
Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 3 Seminar Wed at Results of the field work are presented by groups (six) Total length of each presentation is 30 min (20 min presentation + 10 min for discussion) Maximum 20 ppt-slides Contents Title (include names of all contributors) What was our objective(s)? How /where/when we measured? Explain priciples of the measurements and instruments Include figures and basic data about instruments Results Produce figures rather than tables Discuss the main results Include also discussion about causalities (= cause and effects) Conclusions How handy/usefull/expensive/applicable/reliable this method is? What new was found?
All themes Use meteorological data from our meteo station at shore to describe weather conditions duirng our week Use hydrological data from Konnevesi to describe hydrological conditions our week Compare them to long term data Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 4
Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 5
Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 6
Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 7 Themes How well Manning's equation for velocity was estimating water velocity in streams? Focus to small stream Take slope from your data Determine the surface area and wetted perimeter hydraulic radius Compare calculated mean velocities (Manning-equation) to measured mean velocities on From floating object Flow tracker Small weir Try to determine the Manning’s roughness coefficient Total solids transport in a stream Suspended solids transport Bottom transport
Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 8 Themes… Various methods for determining discharged in a stream Floating object Flow tracker Weir Water temperature in Konneveden selkä CTD-data Historical data over 20 years Water currents in Konnevesi Drogue data Wind data (Pier and from Tikkakoski airport)
Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 9 Themes.. Daily water balance variations in Lakes Konnevesi in September 2009 Data from web and kk626-server in SYKE’s intranet Chance in water storage=Inflow-outflow + precipitation-evaporation (m 3 /s) Suspended material balance: Use turbidity data What were the reasons for changes? Study the meteorological conditions Temperature sensor stabilization in time Based on tests in tank 2-3 different sensor types Practical conclusions
Groups 1. Bubbles / Mia 2. Bottom sediment / Samu <3<3<3<3 3. Discovery/ Irikefe 4. Southern comfort/ Waldo =) 5. Movers/ Catherine 6. ACDC (greek drama) / ioAnna Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 10