Victorian Food Poor vs. Rich By: Lauren and Annika
Rich: Breakfast The rich ate huge breakfasts. Typically the rich would eat a nine course breakfast, but each course was petite.
Rich: Lunch Slightly smaller lunch. A few hours after, the rich would drink tea and eat little cakes.
Rich: Tea Drinking tea became a culture. The rich would drink tea, they called this tea “low tea”. When the rich would drink tea they would usually eat little cakes. They would drink tea in the middle of the afternoon because there was a long break between lunch and dinner.
Rich: Dinner Most of their dinner was locally pickled or preserved. The five basic foods that were used in their meals are: potatoes, milk, flour, mutton, and bread. Some meals from this time are: calves foot jelly, flour soup, broxy (sheep), and saloop.
Poor: Fun Facts Most poor people were skinny because they didn’t get much food. Few had ovens, most had to rely on open fires. Men had the worst diet because they didn’t have a lot of time to eat the right foods.
Poor: Breakfast Most poor people would eat toast and eggs for breakfast. They couldn’t afford much food.
Poor: Lunch The staple food for the common poor lunch is white bread and high tea. High tea was more common because there were more lower class than upper class.
Poor: Dinner For dinner the poor would eat soup with: onions, meat, butter, and cheese. Their diet was usually limited to dry bread and butter. They had beef on special occasions.