DOCUMENT #:GSC15-PLEN-53 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:ETSI AGENDA ITEM:PLEN 6.11 CONTACT(S):Emmanuel Darmois, Board Member Marylin Arndt, TC M2M chair Smart Grids and ICT Standards Presenter: Emmanuel Darmois, ETSI Board member Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15
Smart Grids: the need for ICT standards Whatever the definition: EC Smart Grids Task Force ( The European Commission defines a Smart Grid as an electricity network that can intelligently integrate the actions of all users connected to it, including generators, consumers and those that do both in order to efficiently deliver sustainable, economic and secure electricity supplies. … Smart Grids are an opportunity for the ICT industry Smart Grids are about power but also: billing, e-Commerce, subscription management, OAM functions, data models, connectivity and routing, access technologies, data storage, virtualization, cyber-security, … … and ICT Standardization will be a key enabler Smart Grids are about building complex interoperable ICT systems That can only be achieved with global standards (like those ETSI is building) A smarter grid makes this transformation possible by bringing the philosophies, concepts and technologies that enabled the Internet to the utility and the electric grid”, US Dept. of Energy report on Exploring the imperative of revitalizing America’s electric infrastructure 2
ICT meets Power: the horizontal view Service Plane Billing e-Commerce Subscription management and activation Business processes Control and Connectivity plane OAM functions Protection and restoration Traffic engineering Connectivity and routing Virtualization Access technologies Time synchronization Energy Plane Sensors Electric storage and interconnection Transmission and Distribution Power Systems, etc. … with some vertical enablers Privacy Security Data models 3 Service Energy IP Network Control
Similar end goals but different paths EU Background: a fragmented electricity market Deregulation of electricity in some EC states Vision: Start with a smart metering infrastructure then extend to a smart grid network US Background: an aging power grid Vision: Smart meters and AMI are part of the toolbox that allows to build a smart grid infrastructure 4 Need for a global (architecture) approach and for regional implementation Remote Meter Management Smart Metering Smart Home Consumption Awareness Demand Response Smart Grids Smart Grids AMIDistribution Grid management Electrical Transpor tation Wide Area Situational Awareness … AMI: Advanced Metering Infrastructure
Smart Grids and the EU Smart Grids Directive 2009/72/EC of 13 July 2009 "Member States should encourage the modernisation of distribution networks, such as through the introduction of smart grids, which should be built in a way that encourages decentralised generation and energy efficiency." The EU Smart Grids Task Force A Steering Committee and 3 Expert Groups EG 1. Functionalities of Smart Grids and Smart Meters. State of the art standards field trials,, products on the market Functionalities services, SG components, functions, strategy for standards EG 2. Regulatory recommendations for data safety, data handling & data protection. Who owns the data? Who has access to the data? Need for one (standardized) data model. Cybersecurity EG 3. Roles and responsibilities of actors involved in the deployment of Smart Grids. Includes a section on Role of standards Results due Mid-2010 Next step: towards an EC Mandate 5
EU M/411 Smart Metering Mandate European Commission Mandate Issued in March 2009 by DG TREN Sent to the 3 ESO's : CEN, CENELEC and ETSI Main objective To build standards for European smart meters, allowing interoperability and Consumer actual consumption awareness Time schedule : March months state of the art of existing standards, gap analysis, and first Work Program March months Develop new smart metering standards 6
ETSI Technical Activities ICT Standardization, the core of ETSI activities M2M, Smart Metering (within the "Systems with Things"cluster) Use cases: Smart Metering, eHealth, … for M2M requirements specification A flexible Reference Architecture to address the requirements Application #1: Smart Metering Security Evolution of Mobile Networks (in 3GPP) Enhancements to the 3G/4G networks to support the M2M traffic Next Generation Networks (in TISPAN) NGN, … Adapting powerline protocols to meet the smart grids requirements (in PLT) Smart Card Platform (SCP) Testing and Interoperability expertise Pre-standardization and the link to research Industry Specification Groups (ISG) Partnerships with EU FP7 Projects and Universities 7
The ETSI Approach to Smart Grids Building on the large ICT expertise of ETSI members Smart Grids Standards Gap Analysis From M2M to Smart Metering to Smart Grids Bringing Smart Grids requirements to other standards fields Wireless Networks, Security, … Collaboration with all stakeholders in the SG ecosystem Users Regulators, in particular within EU International Standardization System partners European Standardization System (CEN, CENELEC, ETSI) Research On-going global activities June 14 th : Stop-gap seminar to define the roadmap for work Joint CEN/CENELEC.ETSI Standards Roadmap Group EU Smart Grids Task Force Active participation (e.g. TC M2M members) to ITU Smart Grids FG 8
Proposed (embryo of) Resolution Recognizing That Smart Grids are a major evolution of a key component of people's life and well being That ICT plays an essential role in allowing the implementation of many complex parts of Smart Grids (e.g. customer management, …) That ICT will enable key aspects of Smart Grids such as Security, Privacy That deployment of Smart Grids will rely on global as well as regional and national standards … Considering … Resolves to encourage ongoing cooperation and collaboration among national, regional and international activities that relate to standardization in the field of "Smart Grids and ICT" to support “Smart Grids” as a High Interest Subject of GSC …