Californias Public Law Libraries And 24/7 Reference Presented by Shirley H. David Director, Sacramento County Public Law Library
Californias Public Law Libraries 58 County Law Libraries Bernard E. Witkin California State Law Library Council of California County Law Librarians Twelve Libraries participating as law librarian experts with MCLS 24/7 Ref
CCCLL 24/7 Ref Project Initiation MCLS presentation by Susan McGlamery September 2000 meeting Shirley David appointed to monitor virtual reference developments - report Options presented at September 2001 CCCLL meeting
Options Presented to CCLLL Members Collaborate with MCLS 24/7 Reference Program Free access to the software to contributors We choose how many hours to staff the service We decide whether we want questions filtered through the MCLS librarians and/or received directly through icons on participating websites MCLS provides training and support
Options Presented to CCLLL Members Develop our own virtual reference network Choose software and pay software fees Choose someone to lead the effort Self-finance including seeking grants Share staff resources
Options Presented to CCLLL Members Each library may develop its own virtual reference service Shared websites and materials from research Each library develops its own policies Each library adds staff Each library joins their Library of California multi-type region collaborative reference project.
Program Initiation Asked for at least 2 hours of monitoring time per week to participate On-line and in house training before begin MCLS provided technical support Set up an discussion listserv hosted by a member Before project went live, practiced among participants for several months Asked librarians from AALL chapters to ask questions
How it All Works Agreements Escort and push pages only to free websites Use list to find replacements when cant meet scheduled hours Monitor hours away from reference desk whenever possible Use Judicial Council Website as first choice to find answer
How it All Works Coordinator duties Monitors scripts and other data Facilitates between MCLS staff and Law Librarians Originates most listserv discussions Coordinates PR and links Reports to CCCLL
Advantages to Collaborating and Joining MCLS 24/7 Ref Free access to MCLS e-gain library adapted software and support No library need add staff General questions referred to MCLS MCLS provides training Can use conference software for training or discussions Can decide own policies and procedures
RECENT ENHANCEMENTS CCCLL portal and own page 3.cfm?lib=law Page choices include links to live service joint and individual library Directory of county law libraries Linked from Judicial Council Website QRC Additional libraries joining – adding hours Q & A Café joined 24/7 ref
Current Issues Quality Control Need separate coordinator for QRC Coordinators not employer supervisors Discussions and decisions re: scripts and websites Can handle more questions
OTHER ISSUES Continued Funding For 24/7 ref – Grants, outside sales For our libraries – This service sells! Non contributing public law libraries Adding other experts Medical librarians? Will we continue? Our customers are on the Internet, they need our expertise.