PACER Flight Readiness Review (FRR) for the Grambling Ozone Detector (G. O. D.) Cassandra Hendon, Derrien Green, Demetrius Norman
Science Background The payload will ascend through the troposphere, the tropopause, and into the stratosphere to the upper boundary of the ozone maximum. This figure represents a typical ozone profile of atmospheric ozone. However, the specific profile depends on location, particularly the latitude. There is also a seasonal variation with the tropopause at higher altitudes at latitudes smaller than 60°. The G. O. D. will measure the profile over East Central Texas (35° latitude) in late Spring.
Science Background (continued) Ozone acts as a shield against the harmful Ultraviolet Radiation from the Sun. Stratospheric ozone makes up about 90% of the ozone within the Earth’s atmosphere.. Ozone is destroyed when it reacts with substances such as nitrogen, hydrogen chlorine, or bromine. The destruction of Ozone occurs naturally as these gases also coexist in our atmosphere; however, studies suggest that humans are a major contributor to the increase in destruction of ozone gas.
Science Requirements Report ozone concentration in parts/billion (ppb) for altitudes 0 ≤ h ≤ 30 km Report ozone concentration in parts/billion (ppb) for altitudes 0 ≤ h ≤ 30 km Calculate density within 5% uncertainty which includes: Calculate density within 5% uncertainty which includes: Measure temperature to within 1 °C (0.5% at the tropopause). Measure pressure to which 1 mbar (5% at the tropopause). Make measurements every 15 seconds. Make measurements every 15 seconds. the altitude to within 100 meters.
Technical Requirements Payload must remain intact from launch to recovery. Payload must remain intact from launch to recovery. Power system must operate over the temperature range -80 °C ≤ T ≤ 40 °C with the capacity to power the BalloonSat, sensors, and data archive for the duration of the flight. Power system must operate over the temperature range -80 °C ≤ T ≤ 40 °C with the capacity to power the BalloonSat, sensors, and data archive for the duration of the flight. Temperature sensor able to measure over the range -80 °C ≤ T ≤ 40 °C. Temperature sensor able to measure over the range -80 °C ≤ T ≤ 40 °C. Pressure sensor able to measure over the range 5 mbar ≤ P ≤ 1000 mbar. Pressure sensor able to measure over the range 5 mbar ≤ P ≤ 1000 mbar. Record time to 15 second accuracy. Record time to 15 second accuracy. Data archive system with the capacity to store measurements by the sensors and real time clock for the duration of the flight (approximately 750 data records) Data archive system with the capacity to store measurements by the sensors and real time clock for the duration of the flight (approximately 750 data records) Ground system which can download, analyze, and graphically display payload measurements. Ground system which can download, analyze, and graphically display payload measurements.
MQ-131 Ozone Sensor Inexpensive sensor that measures ozone concentration by measuring the electrical resistance of heated air sample. Heater operates at 6V. Sensor probe operate at 5V. Nominal electrical resistance is 100k-200k. However, we measured the resistance to be 33k. Resistance increases with ozone concentration. The sensor circuit is an ohmmeter. Here is where we got stuck.
Manufacturers Calibration MQ-131
Power BudgetComponent Voltage (V) Current (mA) Power (mW) Duty Cycle (%) BalloonSatSubsystem8– Data Archive On BalloonSat 100 Temperature Sensors 8– Pressure Sensor 8– Ozone Sensor
Acknowledgements PACER PACER NASA/CIPAIR NASA/CIPAIR LaSPACE, the Louisiana Space Grant Consortium LaSPACE, the Louisiana Space Grant Consortium National Science Foundation National Science Foundation NASA Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility NASA Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge