CHAPTER I Problem and its Setting 1.1 Introduction Alugbati is a very common and popular leafy vegetable. It is found in settled areas, in hedges, old cultivated areas throughout the Philippines. Alugbati have anthocyanin or a natural food colorant that shows good stability as a natural food colorant. 1.1 Introduction Alugbati is a very common and popular leafy vegetable. It is found in settled areas, in hedges, old cultivated areas throughout the Philippines. Alugbati have anthocyanin or a natural food colorant that shows good stability as a natural food colorant.
One of the most wanted photovoltaic cell in all industries is a solar panel. A solar panel is a packaged interconnected assembly of solar cells. It can be used as a component of a larger photovoltaic system to generate and supply electricity in commercial and residential applications. This panel make use of renewable energy from the sun and is a clean and environmentally sound means of collecting solar energy.
1.2 Research Problem Specifically, it tries to answer the following questions: 1. How effective is the anthocyanin from alugbati in solar panel production? 2. Does anthocyanin has the capacity in producing solar panels? 1.3 Objectives Particularly, this study aims to: 1. Know the effectiveness of anthocyanin in solar panel production 2. Determine if anthocyanin can help in solar panel production
1.4 Hypotheses 1. Anthocyanin from alugbati has no effect in producing solar panels 2. Anthocyanin can’t help produce solar panels 1.5 Significance of the Study Generally, this study was known to be significant since it pertains to determine if anthocyanin from alugbati Basella rubra Linn can produce solar panels. Farmers, companies, and other industries can firmly benefit if anthocyanin can hopefully produce solar panels.
1.6 Scope and Delimitation The process focuses on utilizing anthocyanin from alugbati as an additive form to produce solar panels. It is only limited in the production of solar panels from anthocyanin.
1.7 Conceptual Framework Mixing the Anthocyanin to the substances of solar panel production Extraction of Anthocyanin from Alugbati Basella rubra Linn Applying the mixed substances to produce solar panels
CHAPTER II Methodology 1.8 Materials and Equipment The researcher bunched up the necessary materials essential for the project. 3 kilograms of alugbati Basella rubra Linn red and blue litmus paper distilled water mortar and pestle ROTAVAP machine analytical balance stopwatch long-tip dropper 1.8 Materials and Equipment The researcher bunched up the necessary materials essential for the project. 3 kilograms of alugbati Basella rubra Linn red and blue litmus paper distilled water mortar and pestle ROTAVAP machine analytical balance stopwatch long-tip dropper
1.9 Procedure: > Collection of Alugbati Three kilograms of Alugbati will be bought in the public market of San Francisco or can be harvested in a non-contaminated area of alugbati plantation.
> Extraction of Anthocyanin from Alugbati Anthocyanin is usually extracted using hot water, as from red or purple cabbage and will be placed in the distilled water and will be heated in a degree Celsius.
> Application The extracted anthocyanin will be mixed in the substances used to produce solar panels.
1.10 Flow Chart Clean and fresh alugbati Apply Mixed the substances Heated in a degree Celsius Extracted anthocyanin will be placed in a distilled water Extracted using hot water ROTAVAP